The Official Movie Thread

Trans Siberian - Meh. Thought this one was slooow without enough payoff.

Iron Ladies - L2Read! Somehow I thought this was a Japanese sexploitation flick with prison guards. Instead it was about a cross-dressing volleyball team. >.< Regardless, predictable right out of the box.

Homegrown - This should have been a hit based on the caliber of the cast. Was listed as a dark comedy but it kinda wasn't. Kelly Lynch is still hot, though.
Even Dwarfs Started Small isn't really a plot driven film, but more of an experience. Sure you can watch 5 minutes and get thats it's just a world of little people wrecking havoc. But, I think it's more about spending the time in the world he's created rather than getting the idea. A 5 minute viewing wouldn't give the same impact in my opinion.
Last movie watched:

The Thing (by John Carpenter): masterpiece. Everything here is on high level: acting, story, dialogs, photography and special effects.
Just watched, fuck can't remember the name. But it's about the dude, who bowls, and then has to bring a million bucks to these German nihilists.
I'm almost positive ml was joking about not remembering the name. If you can't remember The Big fuckin' Lebowski, you got problems, man. You're probably a fuckin' fascist or something.
I rented Hell Ride earlier. awesome

watch it
