The Official Movie Thread

I watched The Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal again and reconfirmed that I prefer the latter a bit. Hannibal's over the top highbrow art stuff contrasted with the cartoony violence makes it absurdly hilarious to me. I like how Starling's career going wrong draws her and Lecter back together. I appreciate the mood towards the end of the film and how it has Lecter and Starling caring for each other tastefully rather than butchering their story the way the book did. Bugger what other people wanted from the movie. It's like a romantic black comedy where you're rooting for the serial killer to deal to all the arseholes.

I think it would've helped Silence of the Lambs if we got more Buffalo Bill. Lecter's only loose for the last third of the film, yet Buffalo Bill doesn't get to make any kills for the entire duration. His part of the story feels a bit hollow to me somehow. I guess without his kills or backstory from the book, he's reduced to being even more just a plot device for Lecter's escape and Starling graduating to a real agent.