The Official Movie Thread

the only Jarmusch film I really cared for was "Dead Man" with Johnny Depp...that one was actually pretty good


I saw The Hurt Locker last night, pretty good but I enjoyed Generation Kill more. Generation Kill seemed more realistic.
went and saw Greenberg. It was enjoyable. I wouldn't buy it or see it again. Probably the first Ben Stiller character I've really enjoyed. The main actress in it is really good...I predict this film does for her what Lost in Translation did for Scarlett Johansson
With me and Krig seeing movies we dislike alot, I wonder what the rest of you are your least favorite movies. The movies I couldn't watch and had to turned off were what I said in my last post in this thread.
The worst movies I have ever seen are shit like "Honey I Blew Up The Kid" and that awful "Fairy Tale: A True Story" mess that came out 15 years ago
The Cradle one was Cradle of Fear. Haha I have a copy signed by Dani and the director somewhere.

Red Cliff Part 2 (International version) - Epic epic epic. I like Chinese films like this a lot anyway so one done on a John Woo scale only makes me happier.
As for hated movies, 10,000 BC, Batman & Robin, Halloween (2007), Eragon, the newest Indy flick, Jurassic Park III, Lady In The Water, Van Helsing, Waterworld, Speed 2...

I also hate the rash of spoof comedies like Date Movie and its ilk. "Don't Vote For Pedro" on a shirt? Hahahahaha I can't believe the writers went there! Cutting edge shit.
I despise the original Halloween film. Haven't seen the recent remakes. I tried twice to watch it, because of its classic status, and because I'm also a big fan of some of Carpenter's other work, but I couldn't get through it on either attempt.

I have no idea what people see in that movie. It's tedious even for slasher films. I understand that it's one of the original slashers and might feel dated because it's been copied so much, but any great movie should stand the test of time, and at the end of the day, Halloween just bores the shit out of me, even more so than Friday the 13th did.
that movie Cradle of Filth made...the title escapes me at the moment

The Cradle one was Cradle of Fear. Haha I have a copy signed by Dani and the director somewhere.

Red Cliff Part 2 (International version) - Epic epic epic. I like Chinese films like this a lot anyway so one done on a John Woo scale only makes me happier.

Cradle of Fear is a great movie, very entertaining! It really doesn't have that much to do with the band though.
I despise the original Halloween film. Haven't seen the recent remakes. I tried twice to watch it, because of its classic status, and because I'm also a big fan of some of Carpenter's other work, but I couldn't get through it on either attempt.

I have no idea what people see in that movie. It's tedious even for slasher films. I understand that it's one of the original slashers and might feel dated because it's been copied so much, but any great movie should stand the test of time, and at the end of the day, Halloween just bores the shit out of me, even more so than Friday the 13th did.

Well don't watch the remakes unless you like (Rob Zombie white trash gore f bomb movies).