The Official Movie Thread

For my required Honors course "A Cultural Odyssey", we are all seeing the film The Lives of Others tonight. I don't know much about it other than it's in German (with subtitles) and is 2 1/2 hours long. It's supposed to be really good/unique. Anyone seen it?

Just saw it. It's BEAUTIFUL. I highly recommend this to anyone who likes heavy, kathartic films that don't overdo it.
Just watched The Usual Suspects. I did NOT see that twist coming.

Watched this movie years ago when it first came out on cable and out of nowhere it became one of the best films I'd ever seen. Great moment is the "jail lineup", when they all are asked to speak a profanity statement. Ends up while filming this (supposed to be serious) scene they all could'nt stop laughing at one another take after take, so they just kept the intensity & laughter in the final cut.
Just saw it. It's BEAUTIFUL. I highly recommend this to anyone who likes heavy, kathartic films that don't overdo it.
I told you :)

I just saw There Will Be Blood. It was absolutely superb. It was totally engrossing and Daniel Day-Lewis was fantastic. It was well done in all aspects and just blew me away. :worship:notworthy:worship:notworthy:worship:/:worship:notworthy:worship:notworthy:worship:

So I bought American Psycho and Equilibrium and those are on my list of things to do this weekend.

I'm thinking about watching a movie in my catalog every Sunday once football season is over since there will be nothing to do on Sundays.