The Official Royal Carnage "when's the last time you got laid" Thread.

When you get some poontang and/or dick up yo' arse

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Oh she knew I wasnt making any decisions until I finish my masters in June, and get the fuck out of Cincinnati, which is causing more problems that may have led to her decision. And like Lurch there are two other chicks I have the green light on, but one is stripper hot but suicidal, the other is not too attractive. Anyhoo, this is sounding like my normal conversations with everyone I know--no metal or music talk, just sex/relationship talk.
Personally I have no problem with single mothers. I was raised by one as my father passed away when I was 7, so I can sympathize so to speak.

Do have a very close friend that has a kid and I've slept with her a few times in the past. She would like for us to go a lot further but I don't feel anyhting for her romantically. She is a great friend and do feel protective towards her and her kid (who is a blast bye the way), but otherwise there is no other type of chemistry.
never. It's difficult to find someone worth going after these days.

Pyrus said:
Honestly, it would be incredibly easy to hook up with some scag at a party, or date a mediocre girl. But...I don't WANT to. It's so much fucking effort. I only put effort into trying to score with chicks who are out of my league, and end up being the guy they come and bitch to/have "intellectual conversations" with. Had a good chance last year, but fucked it well. I'll get around to it.

I hate that second sentence because it has a tendency to happen to me, and in general I agree with all of the quote.
Whoa, this thread got all reflective and shit. Good job!

I called a fat chick last night around 5am, but then I hung up quickly before she could pick up.
at least a week; i've been pestering her recently; last week was not good for her; grandmother in hospital and not doing well so pleasure not on her mind unfortunately.. hopefully massage will do the trick tonight :-)
In case anyone cares, in approximately 23 hours, I will be having sex again. It's Valentine's Day, and although I really hate that day, it's a good excuse to lure my loved one to the sheets.
I think One Inch Man's statement is quite symbolic.

It should say I fucked a fat chick last night at 5am, but I couldnt perform, and left before she could turn the light on. Kidding of course.
speed said:
I think One Inch Man's statement is quite symbolic.

It should say I fucked a fat chick last night at 5am, but I couldnt perform, and left before she could turn the light on. Kidding of course.
That happened once actually, with the same chick. :loco:
Doomcifer said:
LAst night, and this morning.
This is the one thing I truly miss about having a girlfriend. Every weekend was bang all night, pass the fuck out, wake up the next day, bang until breakfast, eat, bang again, take a shower together, bang in there, go do something outdoors for awhile, find some reclusive spot where we could bang, come home, eat dinner, get drunk, bang, pass the fuck out.

Not like much has changed though, just replace "bang" with "choke it" and that's my typical Friday thru Saturday night. :Spin: