the official "What did you eat today?" thread

You look like a darky to me. Fuckin' spics, always refusing advice.

Go jerk off to a poster of Steve Smyth and leave if you're going to refuse advice you request.
I haven't eaten anything today yet...
But yesterday I ate:
coffee for breakfast in Moldova
a beef stake and potatoes for lunch in Romania
chicken in cheese sauce for dinner in Austria (that was very good because the airline paid for it because my flight was delayed 6 hours)

...and some painkillers and antibiotics...
Dead_Lioness said:
Lizzie, when are you coming my way again?
I'll take you to a great Sushi/ or Tai place if ya want :)
maybe not sushi, but Thai would be kick ass. The deal is, I might be in VA sometime early next year but unfortunately it will be down in the Richmond area :( but if I have a rental car, I might drive up for an afternoon/evening :kickass:
aside from the grand experience of being seen with you in public, which would greatly boost my image, I have a very dear friend who also lives in Arlington, and boy does he not need much of an excuse to party :)
^ haha you're so cute Liz, but I'm nothign special!!
It should be fun, I know some excellent tai restaurants with unique dishes
and great atmosphere!
Richmong is lame, why on earth will you be going there?? ;)
Northern VA is where you should go!!!
Let me know K? :)
lizard said:
haggis rolls!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!"?! gar

I found a guy who was of Italian decent, moved to Scotland during the Ice Cream Wars but now lives back in Glorious Italia. He lives very close to where I am staying in Rome, atm, and he imports Scottish foods - including Aberdeen butteries and HAGGIS! Yay! :p
What am I eating today? Hardly anything!
Because I puked this morning...for the first time in almost 12 years!

Damn...I thought I had some sort of record going :(
a shit load of sushi with really wierd vegetables

miso soup

vegetable tempura

some other crazy japanese soup with long ass noodles. i was really struggling with the noodles because i couldnt figure out how to eat them without making a lot of noise in this nice little restaraunt :(
neal said:'re actually supposed to slurp your noodles, its just in the us noisy eating is considdered bad maners.

yeah, but i also hate when people make noise when they eat, regardless of whether or not its polite in other countries. i had just finished yelling at my dad about that, so i couldnt sit there making more noise than him.