The older games thread.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees. :kickass:

It's ironic that it was marketed as "Nonstop action from a different perspective", considering the controls/interface/viewpoint were probably the main thing that held it back. The learning curve is the only thing that prevented people from discovering what a classic it was; I definitely think Half-Life and Deus Ex have a good bit to owe to it.

I have to add the first two Lands of Lore games. A lot of design went into creating a memorable game world, unlike Elder Scrolls et al with their 500 mi^2 levels and 1000 weapons and 10000 NPCs. Too bad Lands of Lore 3 turned out to be the biggest rush-job in EA's entire history. :(

I don't see how it's possible to like Diablo I more, DII is superior in every conceivable way.

Hardly. Diablo II was created with the growing hordes of Battle.Net whores in mind. If Baal-rushing with a bunch of Korean homofags is your idea of a good gaming then it's conceivable, but the single player is mind-numbing. tbh every Blizzard game after Starcraft suffers from that, though.
I don't see how it's possible to like Diablo I more, DII is superior in every conceivable way.

There are many reasons why I like Diablo I more than II.

1.) Musically

2.) Graphically I think Diablo II suffered with the upgraded
graphics. Diablo I is way more appealling to me.

3.) Gameplay - I didn't enjoy the new spell system. Camera angle/graphics were awkward at first but became tolerable.

Honestly, I just loved the classic feel of it. Everything seemed to click and flow. Granted I have only beaten Diablo II twice and have beaten Diablo I about fifty times. I still found the storyline in the second to be very engaging, enjoyable and worthwhile.
Twisted Metal:

This was actually the first game I played that was more modern than the NES games, it's quite a big step, and you can imagine how awestruck I was when a friend showed this to me.
I started as a kid on Atari playing Asteroids, Pitfall, QBert, Frogger, Space Invaders etc. Then Commodore 64 with Impossible mission, Bubble Bobble etc, then the Amiga 2000 with a bunch of games I can't remember. First game I really got into on pc was Doom.

My most played game ever was probably Quake 1. It looked much cooler and more evil than Doom, had much better gameplay and ran much better.


Other games I've wasted ridiculous amounts of my life on since then:

Quake 2 (not as much as the original but still gave it a red hot go)
Tekken 3
Colin Mcrae Rally 1
Metal Gear Solid
Tony Hawk 1
Schwärzung;8862966 said:
War Gods (PS1):

Jesus cunt fucking god I seriously fucking nostalgia'd. My picks:



AND FUCKING KKND! I loved that game!


Even MOAR:

Rainbow Six


Panzer General II


Duke Nukem 3D


System Shock

Baldur's Gate


Shogun: Total War

Chrono Trigger

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

More forgotten gems:
Megarace- a rather excellent action racer-the precursor to the Burnout franchise. One of the first games, if not the first to feature CGI, and one of the first to be released on CD.

Sierra's Phantasmagoria series-major nostalgia!;title;0

Lighthouse-another underrated adventure from Sierra, reminiscent of Myst somewhat.;title;1

Toonstruck-another excellent adventure;title;0

And the most underrated game of all time(due to poor marketing): the timeless Sacrifice from Shiny Entertainment.;title;0
Fuck Riven - Myst 1 scared the shite out of me when I was young.

Some great nostalgia in this thread. Blood and Magic and Twinsen's oddysey especially (Both properly difficult old games, we got it so easy nowadays)

Personally I have to reccomend -

Monkey Island series

Simon the Sorcerer

Ghouls and Ghost (megadrive, and stupidly hard)

Altered Beast

Betrayal in Antara

Both Simon the Sorcerer games were awesome.

One shouldn't forget the Discworld series if we're recalling pubescent wizards.

And another shout out to Lucas Arts for their timeless contributions to the adventure genre with Day of the Tentacle and Sam and Max Hit the Road.
And what about The Broken Sword games?
And of course all of Sierra's Quest series.
Okay, Star Control 2 should be mentioned as one of the greatest titles ever to be released.
As is Blizzard's smashing debut(under their former name Silicon&Synapse)- Lost Vikings
And of course:
Fury of the Furries
I am one of those people who had an Nintendo 8-bit console and never really had much interest to upgrade so the next time I got any console it was the original x-box (which I still use).

One of my favorit nintendo 8-bit games was called "journey to sirius". I remember it as being really hard (remember you couldnt save back then) but pretty fun.

Then I also enjoyed the classic stuff like Super Mario 1, Excite bike, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Mega Man 2 :)

Nowadays I find that I almost exclusively play FIFA games on my X-box. That is the football (or soccer) games for all you americans that might now know.

Im not a big gamer :P