The RC baby thread

Meh. I forgot you guys live in the East, which is just one big megalopolis. We actually have farms and shit around here that you gotta drive through :loco:
i will never go to an ikea again in my life. i swear to god. fucking cesspool of retarded new haven filth and useless bullshit. not to mention that its the size of an airport and takes EVEN longer to get through. any store that forces you to go through the entire building before you can leave should be burnt to the ground.
Yeah, it's seriously horrible. The novelty wears off after about 15 seconds and then you realize it's a bunch of rednecks looking for a bargain.
I've been there maybe four times. The last time, I stopped at the Cinci one on the way back from a concert with an actual list of shit to get from the wife and I left there after about five minutes empty handed. I might have even had a tear or two streaming down my cheek from anxiety. :loco:
There are a few hidden shortcuts through the store, but not enough to make much of a difference. IKEA's foam mattresses rock though!! So comfy.
IKEA freaking rules. Not sure what you guys area talking about. those arrows and "paths" are easily circumvented if you go more than once to the store. there are passage ways between staged rooms everywhere.
and really their quality is pretty damn great even for cheap shit. never had anything break on me that I can remember.
hmmm....I have to disagree....IKEA stuff is total shit. Not that I wouldn't outfit an entire kitchen with their stuff, cabinets and all, but it's still shit :lol:
Ftr, good furniture costs a fortune. It's just one of those things. You can pay $100 for a particleboard table at IKEA or $2000 for a walnut table handmade in North Carolina. One's going to get passed on to your grandchildren and one's going in the trash the next time you move because it's not worth the effort.
Yep, my parents got an all-wood dining table from there, very heavy and nice quality. Of course, it has cat scratches all over it now. But it was nice. :loco:

Overall the prices are very good for what they offer. You want furniture so cheap that you can throw it away instead of packing it the next time you move, they've got that. You want something more substantial, they've got that too. Some of their couches are really nice. And I'm serious about those mattresses...awesome mattresses.
Also I'd rather have this:


Than this (no matter how long it's going to last)

i mean, i have some IKEA stuff and its definitely alright. i just have bad social anxiety and places like that CREEP ME THE FUCK OUT. we were looking for a cheap sofa and i just couldnt handle it. it was the only section of the store that we stopped at, and i didnt see any great bargains. went to BOB'S FURNITURE (another furniture chain, for teh european folks) and i found an awesome faux-leather sofa for $400.00. that place is just better for me
I hear ya, MFJ. I get really anxious in there.

@ the Lurch: that's a nice kitchen. I actually thought seriously about renovating my kitchen with IKEA stuff because it would only cost about $3000 as opposed to maybe $30,000 for hardwood cabinets...but screw it, I don't care enough.
oh man BOB's FURNITURE is the pits. Now that place is shady ...
they just opened up one near my house and some months ago was the first time I stepped into one ... reminds me of old school electronics stores with salesmen outnumbering customers 3 to 1 ... sharks everywhere.

I don't like big places like that either and prefer cozy stores ... but the key is to go weekdays or weeknights ... it's like your own private playground.
Dude, fuck "NOT MY BOB'S!" and their stupid annoying commercials and even more annoying salesmen. I almost knocked a mothafucka out the last time I went there. Nigga followed us out the door with his card. Leave me the FUCK alone and let me shop for Jebus' sake.
Bob's is ace at staging their stores with cool accessories to camouflage their furniture ... but up close i didn't see anything in there worth a dime.
and selling crap at inflated prices is shady shit ...
hahaha you guys are awesome.
Reminds me of shopping for a mattress. No one is shadier than a mattress salesperson.