The RC baby thread

thanks ... yeah, something like that. less than 3' by a few inches.

on a side note, that pic makes it look like I lost some weight. must be some camera trickery (or settings)

edit: just measured her ... EXACTLY 3' oh clairvoyant one.
it was my wife's 1st night away from our daughter ... ever.

we went to a party. got totally hamzerreed. was serious rodgering involved afterwards.
just posting this in case i come back 6 weeks later with other news and need a reference date :lol:
I think it's time for our beloved daughter to go from crib to her own bed. what should I get?
In the US, there's like 4 IKEA stores so you end up paying shipping that costs as much as - if not more than - the item you're purchasing. It's cheaper for me to drive to either Cincinnati or Atlanta when I need something from IKEA.
They have giant arrows on the floor and signs every 5 feet that indicate where you are!

I went to that place once. Fucking hated it. I'd hate to be that guy that goes in for 1 thing. At the beginning of the store.
hahah, there are 3 o them all about 40 minutes or so away ... in different directions.

LOL @ the arrows ...