The RC baby thread

dont waste your time. It's not like the little one is going to notice :loco:

hahah, yeah.

if anything, once he hits 1.5 years or, he'll just want to destroy anything nice about it.

these weird, dream like decorated, baby rooms spook me out. them shits are for catalogs not real life.



@ the first one: wow.
Part of that stuff is a wierd nesting instinct that Moms-to-be have but most of it is just keeping-up-with-the-Joneses bullshit

@the second one: nice. I like the iron. lol @ all the shit in the crib.
"Chinese mothers" are creepy as fuck. I admire hard work and determination as much as the next person but these Chinese are just cliches. They're all good at the exact same thing: math and reciting other people's work on the same two instruments - violin and piano (as cited in the article). It's incredibly boring.
I fully intend to push my kids and offer them experiences I never had but I'm not going to plan things out for them. I'd rather fail miserably at trying to emphasize personality and creativity than succeed masterfully at making another robot who can play [insert classical violin piece here]
I fully intend to push my kids and offer them experiences I never had but I'm not going to plan things out for them. I'd rather fail miserably at trying to emphasize personality and creativity than succeed masterfully at making another robot who can play [insert classical violin piece here]


I also wonder if Chinese mothers are so great, how do you explain the worlds largest pool of sweatshop workers. Surely not all must be "overqualified".
yeah that article is a total crock of shit.

weirdest baby name ever:
i knew a guy who named his baby Pheonix Rose (that is her first name)
"Chinese mothers" are creepy as fuck. I admire hard work and determination as much as the next person but these Chinese are just cliches. They're all good at the exact same thing: math and reciting other people's work on the same two instruments - violin and piano (as cited in the article). It's incredibly boring.
I fully intend to push my kids and offer them experiences I never had but I'm not going to plan things out for them. I'd rather fail miserably at trying to emphasize personality and creativity than succeed masterfully at making another robot who can play [insert classical violin piece here]

If so, just plop out a kick that has asbergers so we can have more scientists
My 2 year old daughter recently had bilateral ear infections and so has been to the ped a few times in the past couple weeks. Her doc is named Mallard.
Now she walks around saying, "doctah mawahd look in my mouf, doctah mawahd look at my feet, docoth mawahd look at my pen-is"
hahahahahahahaha wtf? Man, I love 2 year olds