The RC baby thread

bought this for my daughter ... named it Jerry :loco:

I just sold the toolbox from my Ranger. The dude pulls up in an old Ford and I go, "nice truck. That an '86?" and he's like, "yep. Good guess" to which I make no reply in an effort to maintain the appropriate level of Craigslister creepiness.
While we were placing the toolbox in the dude's truck, out of the garage, in true Tennessee Chainsaw Massacre fashion, Gretchen comes running and hits the dude's truck with a hammer.
Beautiful girls!

I see in that one pic they are together in a big bed.
Did Dis ever sleep with you guys for most of the night?
Did Dis ever sleep with you guys for most of the night?

More often than not :blush:
The easy way out... She almost always slept in her own bed until she got otitis (?) a few months back and then we kinda sorta never got around to re-learning it and when Norna came shortly thereafter it felt mean to make Dis sleep alone and now we parents have backs mostly resembling DNA strings.
yeah, my wife slept with her this summer for a month while they were in Poland and when she came back she slept half the night usually with us (from 12-1am till morning or so).
this was until 3 weeks ago when we decided to just get her back to her crib. wowaweewa, 4-5 days of almost not sleeping for hours and protesting in the middle of the night wanting to come to bed with us again.

it was bad for me as I literally had only 20% of the bed to myself and I am not a small fella. not to mention it was bad for intimacy :loco:
ear infection.

@dudes who sleep with their kids: how in the world do you keep from crushing them to death?
it is rather amazing and I was afraid in the beginning, but the sense of awareness you develop is amazing. I don't know about Mike, but our daughter sleeps like a piggy and usually she's on top of either one of us rather than the other way around.
our daughter sleeps like a piggy and usually she's on top of either one of us rather than the other way around.
When Dis was a baby I was afraid of deathcrush as well but I've never even been close. An yup, both kids mostly sleep in our bed (but not next to eachother because Dis rolls around a lot and kicks if she's too hot or has nightmares and stuff)