The RC baby thread

dual earners here. but the wife is a teacher so she is off during the summer, and still gets paid. also off about 3 weeks during christmas time and has a spring break. my thing is, i need a new job with better hours. that would free up more time for the wife to do a second hobby type job that she actually wants to do.

she always says she'd like to be a stay at home mom, but i suspect that's all talk. what that really means is stick the kids at daycare so she can do whatever the fuck she wants.
HAHAHAHA what is it that she would be doing, out of curiosity?

Mine just called me while I'm trying to watch a movie and get blasted. Ruined my whole goddam vibe.
Jeez. Estranged wives. What can ya do?

PS: hmmm...this dual earner shit you speak of is pretty good. It's the main reason we have money in the bank now. The wife worked for three or four years before calling it quits. Man, those were the fucking days.
Meanwhile, I've been supporting four people in an upscale hood for five years without problem. That fact helped me realize that I will be completely fine, if not even more so, on my own.
shit. if i was single, i'd be set.

the wife wants to do property adjustments. she used to be an insurance adjuster for allstate. now she wants to do properties, since the parents of a coworker of hers owns their own company.
in response to Mike's weeee sled pic ...
Viki the last airbender :loco:

congrats you two!

my 2nd cousin had a baby Sunday too and another good friend yesterday.
baby fever everywhere.
Jerry remember every single post on RC.

That said, on topic: I think it's time for me to get the ol' vasectomy