The RC baby thread


missing a bit of

i've never seen an ocean :(
Go see one! Caelum Adustum saw his first one on the ferry from Denmark to Sweden I think and threw his first rocks into it here with me and Erik, that's pretty kool. Throwing rocks into water rocks.
never seen an ocean? wow. i lived in oklahoma for a year while in school and a lot of people there had never seen an ocean. i was like what the fuck is wrong with you.

in all seriousness, i guess it helps when you live an hour from the ocean and an uncle on my side and an uncle on my wife's side each own a beach house
i tell 'ya; almost wept yesterday for the peeps around the Gulf. to have the ocean ruined by freaking oil for God knows how long is just a travesty.
i embraced jelly fish yesterday (and today).
the ocean is pretty sweet but it's also one of the most scary and oppressive things
I miss the ocean sososososososososososo much. Everything about it I love, winter ocean, summer ocean, hot, cold. Sailing, surfing, fishing, lounging, beering.

Since this is baby thread!: I remember body surfing on my Dad's back when I was a wee lad, you should do this with your kidd-os!
I'd really like to finish reading that article but I have two children bugging the shit out of me right now
Ignored the kids and read it. Pretty accurate. Some funny stuff in there too. A good read.
well to have some joy, I am taking Viki to a bar in an hour to watch the game with a bunch of hooligans.
Good read indeed, but much of the 'negative' points don't really apply to me/my family (yet?). Good political stuff in there too which I'm sure are true so you ameripeople need to rethink some stuff! Either way, the key is to enjoy shit and not see everything as a chore more than you have to. If soccer practice and piano lessons and homework time is a fucking bitch, don't do it or do it some other way. Parenting books can only take you so far, because it's not likely that your children will read them.

EDIT: Bit of a part summary: Moms are depressed because they don't do anything other than child stuff. Dads are depressed because they don't spend enough time with their kids. Hell Mikes Patented Parent Solution(r): Dads be home more.
I'm generally in agreement with Mikey's summary.

It would seem like just avoiding the dual-earner lifestyle would at least make one of the parents happier but I can tell you it makes the life of the earner just that much more depressing. If both parents could work part time of something, that would be great. Or, like I tried to do, just embrace the idea that I'm going to be a slave-worker-bot until my kids move out of the house. That didn't work out too well either. I'm tired as fuck and have no life.

I'd actually like to concentrate on this post a little more but one kid is shoveling chips in her mouth and the other is throwing pillows at her while she's doing it...all in direct defiance of my orders not to do either activity.

I'll try and comment some more later.
avoiding the dual-earner lifestyle

oh boy, i can't wait for this lifestyle to START. my wife is finishing school Dec of 2011!!! another 1.5 years of super stress for me.

on the other hand it seems to me that lately women are giving up on this women's lib stuff and just want to be housewives (at least a large % of the ones we hang out with do)