Who is the lucky lad Swabs?
AndMy fucking city is like something out of Fallout 3, really. SWAT ladden cops lined up shoulder to shoulder making a human barricade vs dirty fucking hippies. They fucking smashed everything downtown, literally EVERYTHING along this one block that I frequent on Queen street
and cop cars are being set on fire too. lol@G20... but a lot of people are saying it was staged to justify the 2 billion dollars they spent turning the city into a fortress. Either way, it's pretty fucking cool. Toronto looks like a 3rd world country,
HAHAHA! All my friends in TO left home for that shit. Some have jobs in the area, and their employers just shut down work. How long is that shit supposed to last? I have concerts coming up and Union Station is shut down D:
Cops now have authority to use non-lethal force and searches on anyone in the red zone, for any reason, at any time. :/
Believe it or not I just got back from a date, and it went incredibly. You know me CoBOT, I'm not the kind to post silly relationship stuff on here. But damn I'm feeling pretty happy for once.
Know how ya feel