The School/Uni Thread

in the class I co-teach today, our lessonplan was "retention realities" was basically a big therapy/catharsis session. it was really good and healthy. a lot of the freshmen had a lot of crap on their minds...a lot of burdens and stuff.
No, I'm an undergrad

I'm in a program at my uni called Learning's a small community of under 1000 students. Every student at CSULB has to take a course called Uni 100. The Learning Alliance freshmen get to experience a much better, more interesting version of Uni 100 (and they get an extra unit out of it). The deal is there's about 7 Learning Alliance Uni 100 classes. Each class is "taught" (we prefer "facilitated") by an instructor and three peer mentors. The peer mentors are junior and senior Learning Alliance students who've gone through a training program and some other stuff.

so I'm a peer mentor (long story short).

if you're horribly interested:
Learning Alliance page
wtf is a peer mentor?

and it's especially good for people like me because I'm an English Education major, so it's great experience.
Fuck school. I go part-time so I'm only taking three classes this semester. My Pre-Calc II class just started last week and I wasn't aware of the ridiculous amount of work this class would involve. I don't have the time for this due to the whole working two jobs burden. I'd like to drop it and pick up the online variant next semester. The problem is it's a co-requisite for another one of my classes, so I'd need to drop them both. I don't really want to because I've been dragging out my classes so much. I'm already going on my third year for an associates because I've only been taking a couple classes a semester. I really like the other class I'd have to drop too. I don't think I can handle this amount of work at all though. What to do...
I'm 'reading' Zarathustra right now (need to pick it up again, it's been a while) and it's hard to understand at times. Neitschze was a pretty smart dude though.
My class on jazz is really cool. Jazz has a lot of similarities to metal, which I might outline in more detail another time. I don't see myself listening to a ton of jazz in the future, but some of that stuff is incredibly complex. Duke Ellington was a genius.
fucking hell my uni house is so cold

and fucking god dammit i've been forced to use norfolk open link i.e. the most useless of fucking shit public services for a month now, tiscali are the slowest company ever. still, i'd rather deal with that shit than spend a hundred hours talking to ten dozen retarded BT indians, and with all the postal strikes i suppose i can give them the benefit of the doubt

the house is also a fucking mess and we're having a house party this saturday so it's only going to get worse, it's during the fucking rugby as well, anyone who objects to me putting the rugby on is going to get lynched

had a 9am lecture on propositional calculus today and it was a pain in the fucking ass, i've only had like 2 hours sleep

fortunately football manager comes out tomorrow and from the moment it gets delivered i swear never to leave my room or acknowledge real life again.
and holy fucking crap why am i the only person in the house who washes shit straight after using it, the tower of washing is almost hitting the ceiling, fucking bellend housemates
Awwww. Housemates suck.

Unless your dating them, and then they are tolerable. And if they aren't, then why are you with them?


Classes for one week have been cancelled because a professor won't be there. More free time.

The university library printers aren't working, so I'm not going to have something for a seminar. Ugh. AIDS.
Registration for Spring classes begins next month, and I've pretty much finalized my choices. Hopefully I can get all of them, since freshmen are last in priority.

MAT 111
- College Algebra (Gen-Ed Math Req.)

HON 112 - Civilizations: Past Present & Future (Honors lecture/preceptorial)

LAT 452
- Roman Philosophical Thought

EDB 202
- Education in a Multicultural Society

HTY 402 - Roman History

LAT 204 - Readings in Latin Literature II (online course)

This may be a lot on my plate, but I think I can handle it.