The School/Uni Thread

My school suffers beneath a despotic triarchy of WebCT, FirstClass and this abomination called MaineStreet. They crash on a regular basis.
Why the fuck did I take an online astrofuckingphysics class? Is this the worst idea in the history of ideas ever? Yes, it is.
What are you sighing about? Enjoy it while it lasts.

Haha, well I guess I should. I'm a poor student though, typically. Working at a hotel doing bartending and banquets casually really isn't cutting it, but hey what can ya do. Also doesn't help that most of the kids in my year of uni are at least 2 or 3 years younger than me because I was serving my National Service in Singapore.

You're right though, university is probably the most fun anyone will have in life.

Hey Episteme, which uni are you at? UWA or Curtin? I'm about to start 3rd year Mechanical Engineering at Curtin.

I'm at Curtin.

This is why I couldn't take a degree geared towards essays/etc.

I fucking hate writing stuff, other than code.

It's kind of funny. Now whenever I get a 5-6 page paper assignment I'm just like, "Piece of cake. I can do that in my sleep."

thank god this is my last semester. The writing part actually doesn't bug me. It's all the goddamn reading.
Same for me. Fortunately I don't have as much reading this semester, which originally was going to be my last. However, I think I'm going to take one extra and work on my thesis.
fun fun!

I have to read 2-3 novels a week for my last remaining English courses in addition to the reading I have to do for my history and religion classes. bleh.

At least the stuff I'm reading this semester is interesting. Can't complain about pioneers, zombies, and James Joyce.
Ha, nice. That is a bit of an overload for your last semester. You should be partying. ;)

I actually have very few novels this semester. It's mostly short stories and poetry. Oh, and the New Testament. I'm taking a Bible as Literature class, which has been very interesting so far.

Gives me lots of time for leisure reading though, which is nice. I'll be starting R. Scott Bakker's new book tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to also getting into Dan Simmons' Hyperion novels, as well as David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest.
I register for fall courses next week. Here come another 21 credits, but worth it for my late switch to a history major. I should be done with all the Latin stuff by senior year.

HON 390 - Intro to Thesis Writing
HTY 103 - US History I
HTY 401 - History of Ancient Greece
LAT 481 - Vergil: Georgics, Eclogues & Aeneid
MLC 490 - Intermediate Classical Greek I
PHI 250 - Formal Logic
POS 301 - Classical Political Thought

I'm so happy the formal logic class will satisfy a Math gen-ed. It's all I have left for those.