and what makes you think i would tell some random alcoholic wannabe blacksmith who mops the floors at his local gunshop any detailed info? The people here who actually know me know what industries i'm involved in.
If the photos downloaded from FB were visible to friends only then yeah, keep it that way and stick to masturbating to them only. My FB profile photos are all public though and I wouldn't be bothered if any of them turned up here.Do be mindful that there's a difference between having some fun with photos that have been willingly uploaded here & harvesting pictures via facebook, private messages, or otherwise, without permission. I am a very open person & won't get sand in my crack over whatever the content may be, however, try not to poison the well by ruining the vibe.
the guy is clearly on one, the only pics of him used here were the ones he posted and even asked us to use and whats even funnier is the post this delusional basehead seems to be crying about right now is one with CIG holding the jimmy-lube. And yeah, we've all(including me) posted pics in this thread just so others can shop it and we can have some laughs. I'm just amazed that this is coming from the same broad who cant make a post without mentioning my name and randomly shops my face and posts it in other threads ... and not once did i cry about it, instead i gave that faggot a "like" and laughed about it.If the photos downloaded from FB were visible to friends only then yeah, keep it that way and stick to masturbating to them only. My FB profile photos are all public though and
ahaha ofcourse not because you're not some little thin-skinned druggie faggot. I even remember you asking for me to shop a few of your pics lol. Remember the upside down one of you holding your favorite mag??I wouldn't be bothered if any of them turned up here.
My FB, which I almost never use, happens to have photo visibility set to friends only.If the photos downloaded from FB were visible to friends only then yeah, keep it that way and stick to masturbating to them only.
Dont be so coy brah, lelzI used a pic from his Facebook that one time and he said "that's enough stalking" or whatever so I immediately stopped. It only happened once, it was my bad. I used a face of him drinking a beer to cut up and make it look like he was kissing someone, I think.
Anyways I think he's still annoyed over it. Paranoid though.
Also for the record, IDGAF if people use photos of me here from any other social media platform regardless of what privacy setting I have it at. Not something I remotely GAF about.
Tech .... Tech's.. Tech
poor bastardTech .... Tech
I'm not annoyed over that. But since for some reason I can't see the pic TechnicalStupidity posted I thought some weird shit was going on between you guys where you were lifting more photos & sending them to him. Even then, I didn't get bent out of shape & even acknowledged how I may have misinterpreted what was going on.I used a pic from his Facebook that one time and he said "that's enough stalking" or whatever so I immediately stopped. It only happened once, it was my bad. I used a face of him drinking a beer to cut up and make it look like he was kissing someone, I think.
Anyways I think he's still annoyed over it. Paranoid though.
I'm not annoyed over that. But since for some reason I can't see the pic TechnicalStupidity posted I thought some weird shit was going on between you guys where you were lifting more photos & sending them to him. Even then, I didn't get bent out of shape & even acknowledged how I may have misinterpreted what was going on.
Fair enough then. If you guys are gonna be like this then I have no reason to continue posting in a place where I'm not welcome.
Fair enough then. If you guys are gonna be like this then I have no reason to continue posting in a place where I'm not welcome.