The Shitposting Thread

Thats what I've learned to avoid my association with LGBTQ+ whatever community, because of their wicked and absurd platform of demands. As I've stated, I could give less of a shit as to whatever you wanna be, but the moment you start advocating things for kids, like making them explore sexuality, grooming them for things they are unsure about, etc thats when I have a problem.

I crossdress from time to time, not as much as I used to, have more effeminate traits, and worship feminine beauty. Though I dont use that to make up ME all together. That'd be one dimensional, and a shallow portrayal of a much more human being than just "I wanna be a girl and wear girl clothes" type bullshit.

There is a fucking huge difference between letting your kids, or any kid, be themselves and grooming them to be something they are not. I'm sure no one agrees with grooming, except those who do it I guess, but I'm sure a lot more people agree with allowing kids to be themselves whether that is the exact model the stereotype tells them to be or something else. Nothing I've said here, and I'd like to think nothing anyone else has said, is touching on the topic of grooming kids in any way shape or form.

Even those parents who push their kids, I guess it's mostly girls but I could be wrong, in beauty pageants, doing them up like dolls and making them prance around in high heels at the age of 5 I disagree with. I disagree with pageants in general, but I don't disagree with a kid who decides what they wear. The younger the age the more guidance a parent should offer but that doesn't mean the kid can't make up their own mind or the topic should be avoided. I don't know that there is crossdressing pageants held for 5 year olds, and I wouldn't support them if there was, but I don't have a problem if a kid says he wants to wear a skirt at the same age. It's how life after that decision is handled that makes more of an impact on life than how the kid dresses.
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crossdressing is also widely accepted in the UK

@no country for old wainds

i love nerding out on the Cacusus region, not just Armenia.

And we go back way before the islamification of Iran or even Armenian Christian history. As far as the people go, they are Persian first and foremost before being muslim. Their people and our people are very very alike. Our cultures are almost identical. Btw remember how i said Armenians are very nice and hospitable? Well we dont have shit on Persians. They are the nicest group people on this planet, regardless of what they try to tell everyone out here in the states. Have you seen Anthony Bourdains trip to Iran?
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i love nerding out on the Cacusus region, not just Armenia.

And we go back way before the islamification of Iran or even Armenian Christian history. As far as the people go, they are Persian first and foremost before being muslim. Their people and our people are very very alike. Our cultures are almost identical. Btw remember how i said Armenians are very nice and hospitable? Well we dont have shit on Persians. They are the nicest group people on this planet, regardless of what they try to tell everyone out here in the states. Have you seen Anthony Bourdains trip to Iran?

I have not. I've only seen the Japanese and Armenia trip. And I could imagine! If the only thing I know about the Persian people is religion studies, they seem to be quite the nice people. From the Avesta to even the Sufi poet Rumi.

Also the food seems very similar as well.

Edit: I'm also unsure about how to feel with the current strife between America and Iran.
Edit: I'm also unsure about how to feel with the current strife between America and Iran.
its all political bullshit that stems from us being buddy buddy with Hussein and Iraq. Iranians and Americans would get along perfectly if it wasnt for the poltical poison(from both sides, but we are mainly to blame). They are more like us than any other nation in that area or even the middle east.

Try to catch the full episode of Bourdains trip to Iran, the little youtube clips dont do it justice
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he was literally in shock and was tripping out about how he was lied to in the last 20+years and how nice and welcoming everyone was. They were all smiling, waving and and overall being super hospitable and nice. He even gives a little backstory on the Iranian and US beef which most of the politicians here wouldn't be too happy about.

Btw Armenians, Georgians etc joke around about how Iranians have very effeminate men lol. Lot of dudes there are soft as fuck
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Man I have no luck with the full episode rn since I'm strapped for cash, next week I'll def look for the full episode. But the clips really put some things into perspective.

Everyone does look and seem so nice and welcoming, thats mind blowing to me.

I'm intrigued how both Armenia and Iran LOVE wrestling.
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Thats quite interesting, hot damn.
I found this video about Iran and boy, what a bizarre country it is.
They are pretty revolution crazy too.

They love putting apricot and saffron in food. Like A LOT
yeah safron is a Persian staple. I know a lot of Iranian-Armenians and have ate at their homes and they never make rice without safron. They even have cities out there where Armenians are a near majority.

And yeah their political scene/history is so complicated. The Persians are ancient people and islam is a fairly "new" religion in comparison to their history. They were basically hijacked by islam(just like how the rest of the world was hijacked by their respective religions) during the Muslim conquest of Persia. But then islam is what saved their country when it was being hijacked and westernized when the US set up a puppet government and helped put Pahlavi in power, so yea the islamification of iran isnt cool but it's what held on to their culture and is something most people over there are actually thankful for, regardless of how the west tries to spin it. Its a double edged sword.

Their muslim leaders are actually very peaceful and tolerant of all of their neighbors. The dude is a hardcore muzzie but loves Armenians, Russians, Gerogians, Indians, Arabs etc. There are hundreds of churches and synagogues out there, cities that are filled with minorities etc.They even have thousands of Persian Jews that also live in Iran. These are things you would never hear out here out here because IRAN IZ BAD, THEY HATE THE CHRISTIANS AND JEWS AND WANTZ TO KILL EVERYONE.
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