The Shitposting Thread

yeah safron is a Persian staple. I know a lot of Iranian-Armenians and have ate at their homes and they never make rice without safron. They even have cities out there where Armenians are a near majority.

And yeah their political scene/history is so complicated. The Persians are ancient people and islam is a fairly "new" religion in comparison to their history. They were basically hijacked by islam(just like how the rest of the world was hijacked by their respective religions) during the Muslim conquest of Persia. But then islam is what saved their country when it was being hijacked and westernized when the US set up a puppet government and helped put Pahlavi in power, so yea the islamification of iran isnt cool but it's what held on to their culture and is something most people over there are actually thankful for, regardless of how the west tries to spin it. Its a double edged sword.

Their muslim leaders are actually very peaceful and tolerant of all of their neighbors. The dude is a hardcore muzzie but loves Armenians, Russians, Gerogians, Indians, Arabs etc. There are hundreds of churches and synagogues out there, cities that are filled with minorities etc.They even have thousands of Persian Jews that also live in Iran. These are things you would never hear out here out here because IRAN IZ BAD, THEY HATE THE CHRISTIANS AND JEWS AND WANTZ TO KILL EVERYONE.

Gotta love American political strife and media amirite?

I still hold to the idea that, while Islam is problematic, not every Muslim is entirely awful. Actually, without the Islamic Golden Age, we wouldnt know even HALF of the science, math, and history we know today.

Good on Iran, hell yeah. This is good stuff.
I still find a lot of interest in Zoroastrianism as well as the Gnostic Sufi Muslims like Rumi.
I now know not to call Iranian people "Arabs" as well. Definitely do not want to get myself seriously injured :lol:
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oh yea, i never judge anyone solely on what make-belief best friend they worship. There are good and bad people in all religions, and if you want to really look at it there are more scummy christians than any other group.

i have never ran into anyone outside of the very occasional dumb hick that would refer to Persians/Iranians as arabs.
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Here's a couple of training videos for when they let you loose with a chainsaw. Guaranteed to impress your workmates and prove to them you know what you're doing.

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We've had plenty of close calls over the years, some through lack of attention and all 100% our fault, but we've never dropped a tree anywhere it shouldn't have been or had a tree we were cutting fall on us. Many of our escapades get retold around the fire with beers in hand and a healthy dose of laughter, but we never filmed ourselves for others to laugh at!
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Also! It was a pretty good day today! We had a close call on one tree we were felling. We bout broke a fence, but it was just barely inches apart from the fence. Then we just blocked the rest down.

I got more practice on the saw and got my first big boy scar on my arm from a piece of brush that scraped by. It was a good learning experience today :)
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I've been nicked by axes and nicked by the chain when sharpening it as well as being hit by the limbs but I've never hard any serious injuries while I was cutting timber, I saved that for when I was working for the bakery and I got beaten up by 240 loaves of bread. :)
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Oh yeah we used to throw stale bread at each other around the depot. But the ones that hurt the most were the double yeasters. It didn't happen often but because the bread came off plants producing upwards of 8000 units an hour occasionally a loaf got double the raw product and of course that meant it didn't cook properly and was heavy as fuck. Getting hit in the back by one of those was like being hit with a hammer.
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We used to return day old bread to the bakery, we'd deliver the daily order then take the stuff that did sell off the shelf for return to the bakery where they made bread crumbs or animal feed from it. If we ordered well we only had a few loaves a day but sometimes the returns were massive, I could take out 12,000 units in the truck and bring home 4000. Those loaves got stored at our depot until the next delivery but sometimes they also became missiles as we were unloading the trucks.
Our bread was full of preservatives and shit so it wouldn't go rock hard for about three days. These days to save money the big commercial bakeries here do a three day loaf. It gets delivered on Monday and returned on Wednesday. Other shit like the speciality breads, the shit with stuff like soy, or grains are a four day loaf and shit like muffins can stay on the shelf for 5 days. Hot Cross buns which the fuckwits started producing the week after christmas have a 7 day shelf life. In this country even the small independent bakeries don't cook as much bread daily as they claim so you have to learn to read the tags and figure out what day they were cooked/delivered if you want anything close to fresh.