The Shitposting Thread

Goddamn I wish I made that money as a flagger! Probably would if I worked for the state.

Wish I made that kind of money when I did it for the council 30 years ago, but back then I neither had the quals or the interest. It was technically illegal for me to direct traffic and if I caused an accident the council would have been in deep shit, but back then we just got on with our jobs and didn't care about shit like that.
It could be
Be wary of splinters :)

Striving goal - become less of a twink. Or find some sort of middle ground idk. At least want to get to the size of mid-late 80s Henry Rollins.
The sheep shaggers joke aimed at Kiwi's always amused me. It's always been Aussies claiming the Kiwi's are sheep shaggers because of the number of sheep they have. But Australia per capita has more sheep than NZ has ever had. We've got something like 4 sheep for every person, the Kiwi's can't afford to be that fussy. We've also got more wild camels than any other country...but they are too fucking tall, they run faster than sheep and not everybody has visited the outback.
Uh, at peak sheep, NZ had something like 22 sheep per person, but now it's less than 6. Even if you Aussies had more per person, you'd have to walk much further on average to find them. I imagine you'd soon give up and your walkabouts would become wankabouts.
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Not all of us have to walk that far, less than 3 hours out of Melbourne, or two wanks and a hotdog dinner, and I can point you to a 15,000 head sheep farm. That's enough enticement to make a home sick Kiwi's tackle tingle.
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the owner of this forum @MetalAges runs a cool little candle shop!

Thanks! We're steadily growing! We have over 50 shops across the country stocking our candles now, and we're launching a new shop in Myrtle Beach, SC in a few months (in addition to our existing one in Northern Virginia).

Yeah I've checked it out actually, I should get some just to support the site, that Bonfire on the Beach sounds sweet. The t-shirts are pretty cool too.

Why yes, yes you should! Best candles you'll ever burn :) Also better for you than those nasty paraffin candles the big box stores sell - we're all natural soy and have wood wicks - killer combo. There's a scent finder on the site where you can click the types of scents you like and it will pull up all the relevant candles. Our current top sellers are:

Dragon's Lair:

Mermaid Cove:

Them Bones: (features the awesome swirl technique we use, and yes, that's an Alice in Chains reference :) )

Other best sellers:

We have 5 new scents going up this week: Gaia, Red Velvet Cheesecake, Frosted Forest, Citrus & Sage, Peppermint Bark. \m/
Thanks! We're steadily growing! We have over 50 shops across the country stocking our candles now, and we're launching a new shop in Myrtle Beach, SC in a few months (in addition to our existing one in Northern Virginia).

Why yes, yes you should! Best candles you'll ever burn :) Also better for you than those nasty paraffin candles the big box stores sell - we're all natural soy and have wood wicks - killer combo. There's a scent finder on the site where you can click the types of scents you like and it will pull up all the relevant candles. Our current top sellers are:

Dragon's Lair:

Mermaid Cove:

Them Bones: (features the awesome swirl technique we use, and yes, that's an Alice in Chains reference :) )

Other best sellers:

We have 5 new scents going up this week: Gaia, Red Velvet Cheesecake, Frosted Forest, Citrus & Sage, Peppermint Bark. \m/

I did end up getting a few - bonfire on the beach and old time whiskey - and one of those sweet tshirts! Should be arriving soon looking forward to it.
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I'm about to be moving so cant be rockstar spending but I'll have to give Them Bones a shot sometime sounds like a nice crisp true fall scent.
All out of Philly cream cheese so i just made me a "grilled cheese bagel" with havarti and it was pretty damn good

@Terasophe dude i was mistaking mozzarella for provolone when we were talking abut cheese last time. Mozzarella is okay. I'm just not that big on italian cheese.

Oh yeah fuck provalone. Useless fucking cheese on anything.
I like pepper jack the most out of any cheese. I like spicy cheese.
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