The Shitposting Thread

:( well at least he was lucky to have you and enjoy life! How old was he??

Unsure, but he was incredibly old
We adopted him off a friend, who adopted him off from one of his family friends. We've had him for a good 2 years with us, and our friend had him for 3, and the previous owners a good 4 or so. So he was pretty old in ferret years.

It was tough to see him struggle. We knew his erratic behavior was going to lead up to something bad, but we couldnt really do anything about it. Its hard to find an exotic pet vet here, and to be honest, prolonging suffering like that is torture.

He was a happy little guy. He was a little adventurer. We knew he was on his last leg last night, and made it up to about 30 minutes ago. I was glad to have him in my life. I was happy to have a companion animal who shared a similar life experience I had when I was younger (I was legally blind with cateracts up until I was about 11-12 years old.)

We're just happy he's not suffering any more.
Just gonna plug @MetalAges candle line real quick.... the whiskey and the bonfire on the beach are both fantastic. I thought the whiskey might shoot up flames when it was first lit lol. Smells like high quality strong ass whiskey. And the bonfire smells like your clothes after a good camping trip.
i don't actually watch any kind of sports, ever

am i the only one that really doesn't give a shit about Kobe dying??
Maybe not, but you are the only dumb cunt who thinks people actually care you think that....or think at all to be honest.
The wife made home made chicken-noodle soup tonight. I started to catch whatever sick is going through the house. Which sucks cuz Im the major money provider in the house...I just have today and tomorrow off. Gotta rebudget this months finances which shouldnt be bad I guess.

On a cooler note, the wife made me an album art.
