The Shitposting Thread

Well that's a relief, I thought you were coming here to tell us you charged your wife for the artwork but the household budget still isn't better off.
Also: tomorrow I'm getting my ass kicked.
Someone taught me some basics of tree climbing with their gear and I made the "mistake" of telling the general foremen, since I haven't been working in my training book for even the groundsperson work. They are setting me up with a crew to properly learn how to do this shit, and its gonna kick my ass.

Honestly? I'm excited for it. I gotta learn some time, and you don't really properly learn just by books.
Break a leg! Or maybe that should be Fall out of the tree? Neither sound entirely like good wishes.
Oh well.
Get your end away in a knot hole!
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If it does tell them the saw was blunt and a gust of wind blew the tree the wrong way and the limb had a mind of it's own and you got dust in your eyes.

May the next tree you cut down not fall on your garden shed?
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so Kobe's been only been dead for 5 days and already this stupid shit happened
