The Shitposting Thread

With the amount of shit that's burned here in the last few months I don't think mother nature particularly likes us anyway.
Summer storms have caused most of them but as usual there is a few arsonists lighting them, no where near as many as the BBC was reporting though. Councils and governments often refuse to clear up the shit laying on the forest floor, partly due to it being easy to ignore, partly because the Green Warriors cry a lot when they do. All it then takes is a spark and the fires are off and running. Most of the fires here recently have been creating their own weather patterns making them nearly impossible to fight.
Yeah, that would do it. Man thats pretty garbage tbh. Though I always assumed Australia was in a dimension of its own accord.

It is pretty easy to avoid cut brush half of the time. Though our jobs have certain authorized right-away zones where you can just leave tree brush and fire wood. And we can absolutely not chip brush from storm work unless authorized to do so.
No, we are part of the same world you are, it's New Zealand that is in another dimension :)

We've got logging mobs trying to get into the forests now to take away the burnt rubbish timber on the ground to stop it being fuel for another fire, burning season isn't half over here, and the government is stopping them. The same government that last year told them they'd no longer be able to log in the forests because they were 'harming the environment'. The logging mobs are the only ones actually looking after the forests, (because it's their livelihood) and constantly regrowning timber in every area they harvest. They clean up after themselves and remove the shit from the forest floor. Yet this government wants them out, they don't want it for themselves they just want to stop logging. In 5 years we'll have to import timber to make houses because the industry that's left wont sustain the workforce and the forests will be so overrun from neglect they will burn again. It's a vicious circle these fuckwits running the show refuse to acknowledge.
Sounds like the government is pretty shitty over there. If there was a community of workers that TRULY tend to foresting duties and watch vegetation without problems, they would be more worth to keep around.

But, politicians dont really care about the environment.
Politicians everywhere only care about their own arse and how much money they can get to protect it. Ours are no different. They aren't led by the Green groups but they are hugely influenced by them and now with Joe Public becoming louder and screaming at every chance they get it become more and more evident that the governments are influenced by bullshit. In this country it's the inner city green groups who love their cars, love their expensive homes and wont give up anything to have them who scream the loudest without knowing the truth. Everything they protest against is driven by guilt, but the governments love to listen to them because they are the highest tax payers, they operate high taxable businesses and they fund political parties. Most of these fuckwits preach about saving the trees but only do it from a high rise apartment while waving placards made of paper.
People like that are the reason the world is dying faster and faster as the days go by. I'm no true enviornmentalist myself, but people who preach to and guilt others over shit they dont even properly understand are the lowest scum of the earth.
Buncha priviledged fucks imo.
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Yeah I don't have a problem with conservation and for more than 30 years living in the country in one form or another we've practised it, but these city dwelling pricks who think saving the world means stopping everything recreational and businesslike outside the cities are killing the world. Most of these fuckheads wouldn't know where power comes from, wouldn't know where the timber in their house comes from, or where their food comes from but they love to tell people how to live their lives.
Just gonna plug @MetalAges candle line real quick.... the whiskey and the bonfire on the beach are both fantastic. I thought the whiskey might shoot up flames when it was first lit lol. Smells like high quality strong ass whiskey. And the bonfire smells like your clothes after a good camping trip.

Awesome thanks for the order! Make sure to keep those wicks trimmed :)
Just came across a screenshot I took of the last message I ever sent to Omni, where they claimed they had cancer (for a second time) so I'm wondering if he's dead. Surely we can trust he was telling the truth about such a heavy subject, right?
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I'm moving to a big kid house in about a month where I'll actually have a yard and I wanna put a shit ton of bird feeders bathouses etc outside the window. Anyone get into that? Any tips? I'm wondering if the bathouse would even be worth it or just a pretty decoration.
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Ugh, I don't know if I'd ever want an entire house. Call me lazy, but I don't feel like having to maintain an entire back yard. When I was in college, I loved my little dorm/apartment setup. It was perfect
It's a rental so lawn care is handled by the landlord. If it wasn't I'd just let it grow wild anyways I fucking hate lawns they're stupid and terrible for the environment and also ugly. I want a moss lawn someday.
Personally I like to keep the birds out of my yard area, they shit on the patio, they shit on the furniture, they shit on everything and depending on the variety they make nests wherever they can and then make a fucking racket all day every day.

I don't know what it's like where you are but putting bird feeders out here can be a big risk to the birds anyway because to many people don't understand what birds are in the area and just feed them whatever shit they can find from the supermarket labelled as bird feed. We have a lot of native birds come in and think they are getting feed but are actually getting shit they can't process properly. Bird feeders can also be a problem for some of the smaller birds who become an easy target for larger birds when they are feeding. My advice would be to find out what birds are in the area, what they eat and what they may become dinner for before you just stick bird feeders everywhere. Bird feeders themselves are nothing special, you can knock one together with a few pieces of wood, some screws and about 10 minutes spare time.
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Solid feedback. I'm not too worried about predatory birds, the yard is facing the canal and waterfowl are the more common variety - but will definitely do my research on feed types. Trying to be kind and have a show, not cause any damage.
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I’d like for some hawks to patrol my property more often. Little bastard birds are quite an annoyance, especially when my monstrous mulberry tree is fruiting.