Personally I like to keep the birds out of my yard area, they shit on the patio, they shit on the furniture, they shit on everything and depending on the variety they make nests wherever they can and then make a fucking racket all day every day.
I don't know what it's like where you are but putting bird feeders out here can be a big risk to the birds anyway because to many people don't understand what birds are in the area and just feed them whatever shit they can find from the supermarket labelled as bird feed. We have a lot of native birds come in and think they are getting feed but are actually getting shit they can't process properly. Bird feeders can also be a problem for some of the smaller birds who become an easy target for larger birds when they are feeding. My advice would be to find out what birds are in the area, what they eat and what they may become dinner for before you just stick bird feeders everywhere. Bird feeders themselves are nothing special, you can knock one together with a few pieces of wood, some screws and about 10 minutes spare time.