The Shitposting Thread

Dude if I thought I could get away with hanging carrion around my yard to attract hawks and owls and shit, that would definitely be my first preference, no doubt. Especially since there's been quite a few snowy owl sightings in the area lately. Lived near Lake St Clair all my life, had no fucking idea we have snowy owls. Thought that was like an Alaskan thing.
Oh hey
Forgot to mention
I fell 20ft from a tree yesterday because I did my Blake's Hitch wrong. I'm perfectly okay, even though I fell straight onto my back...and hit a utility pole that was on the ground beside the tree...

I have no back injuries, just soreness in the neck and lower back.
Geezus you gotta be more careful :p

Hey man, that knot is known for being super finicky. The general foremen even agreed to that. If you do one misstep on it, yer fucked if you don't test it.

They took away my gear for a while so I'm back to grounds work. Im not gonna lie, I'm upset with myself about it. Im glad I didnt sustain any major injuries from it.

It was a hackberry tree, really skinny tree about 25-30 ft high so I was pretty much there up at the top.
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I have been known to take privileges/responsibilities away from trainees when they make such mistakes too, not because they make mistakes but because hopefully it makes them think before making the mistake again. Fucking up a knot happens, we've all done it from time to time and had various outcomes because of it but being relegated to a lesser job for a short time because of it shouldn't be looked upon as bad.
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I'm not mad about that, I'm more upset with myself because I thought I had it. I had it under one loop instead of two that you need for the knot. And thats what fucked it all up.

It wont stop me from climbing in the future thankfully. I know my mistake and I know not to make it again. It was a learning experience that thankfully didnt kill me.
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You're human, you'll probably do a hundred other things that upset you before the year is out :)

There is so many knots that only require a small fuck up to render them almost useless. I've tied thousands of truckies hitches but I still occasionally fuck them up because I'm thinking of something else, or not thinking at all. It's picking the fuck up before it's too late that saves us a lot of grief. There is no shame in double checking everything.

It's the ones that hurt or the ones that are close to killing us that makes us think harder next time. It probably shouldn't be the case, we probably should think first, but we are all just humans and we all fuck up.
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Life is a funny thing man. Im glad I learned something from it. And despite climbing being a scary experience I loved it. And I'm for sure glad I'm not dead! I wouldnt want my pals in UM to miss me or anything :p
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One learns to live with certain ailments or one spends their days denying them on the internet.