The Shitposting Thread

I can beat him at just about everything and I'm an old fat curry eating Indian (or was I Turkish? I can't remember)
I've got some thistle and ragwort out in the paddocks. They aren't the average go to weeds for most but fuck it I wanna be a risk taker too!
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Even if I still wanted to smoke that shit I wouldn't do it these days. In this country it's 24 (or maybe 48) hours off the road and a court date if you get caught driving with weed in your system and with the shit lasting up to seven days it's just not worth the risk for me, I can't afford 24 hours off the road.
Thats fair enough man. Its not worth risking a job for that. And it does last in the system for 7-14 days so...
I've heard mushrooms only have a 24 hour half life span in the system? How much truth is in that?
I guess it all depends on the substances. Our drug tests claim 7-14 for anything they can test for, but they don't specify times for each drug. I know our drug buses test for active THC (Cannabis), Methylamphetamine, MDMA (or 'ecstasy') or Cocaine, but they can test for more because the oral swab goes back to a lab and can be tested for anything the officer requests, including prescription medication.
Farking eckies cunt.

That line is usually followed by, "but they make me more alert so I'm a better driver. Why don't you cunts arrest real criminal like burglars instead of good drivers like me!"
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Yeah but some one has to clean that mess up, we can't leave them all there as a message to others.
Actually in WA they do sort of leave them there in some places. I think it was the Brookton Hwy, coming in from Hyden I remember seeing a collection of wrecked cars up on posts like they were billboards. No idea if it actually worked to cut down the road accidents and deaths, nothing they seem to do in this state does.
I'm still weary about smoking weed. The wife does it, but I'm guessing its just not for me. That and not wanting to risk my job for it.

don’t eat mushrooms growing in a landfill and don’t eat mushrooms growing around any industrial sites or whatnot. Other than that some people say not to eat ones growing close to the road or areas that may be sprayed with pesticides. Your best bet will always be the woods if contaminates are a big concern for you.

that being said, I’ll pull up beside your yard grab mushrooms and jump back in my car before you realize wtf just happened.
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Thats fair enough man. Its not worth risking a job for that. And it does last in the system for 7-14 days so...
I've heard mushrooms only have a 24 hour half life span in the system? How much truth is in that?

psilocybin Is basically not tested for at all and hard to test for. Same with LSD.

One time I was actually sweating balls because I got pulled for a random on a Monday morning the day after a trip hangover, passed it.

pretty sure the only way you’d ever get tested for psychs is if you constantly brag about doing them at work and some cocksucker coworker talked a manager into it. A lot of “ifs” in that scenario though.