The Shitposting Thread

It's funny how bent out of shape some people get about things that happen on the road.
yea, old dude wasnt wrong about him being a cunt. That dude has no balls. If i was watching form the side i'd laugh at him and call him a fat cunt too.

And also another lol for that dude calling him a dog. I notice aussies love using that as a diss.
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I have a feeling he told his missus to start recording because he's "gonna knock this old cunt out just watch" and then it quickly changed after he undid his seatbelt and saw grandpa on roids. "Did you get that?" yeah she did faggot, your spinelessness is now immortalized online.
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Yea she got it. She's also got his balls in a jar on their nightstand. Emasculated fat fuck.

That dudes fist was as big as his head. I was hoping he would've at least jabbed him up or something. What did he say in the begining? "you start running(your mouth) to me?" or "you ran into me"?
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Figured out where I went wrong with the Blake's Hitch. Dunno if I posted that yet; brain bad with memory.

But yeah! The start of this month has been pretty great but my crew's being a buncha babies toward each other. All's good though - no pissy mood for me :D