The Shitposting Thread

Just about all resin is shit on the skin, but you're right about the pine going through the chipper :)
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Ha! That’s one of the reasons even on 80+ degree days I wear long sleeves at work and even doing yard work. Fuck scrubbing that shit off with gasoline or whatever ridiculous remedy someone has.
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We have ivy relief for poison ivy/sumac, etc. and apparently it works well with it. But only when its fresh on the skin.

I need to get me a long sleeve shirt for work. I need one of the high-viz long sleeves so I'm not wearing two shirts. Its just now started to get hot here in the south.
Get a pink hi-viz shirt, you'll always stand out.
Well on the first day, then after it's dirty it will never be the same again anyway.
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When I was delivering bread the bakery gave all us night shift workers day rated hi-viz shirts, but they were all yellow or green and they discoloured after one shift. The pink ones do discolour but they seem to not loose their hi-viz effect quite as quickly.

Night rated hi-viz, when we eventually got them, were better because they were red and blue with glo-tape and thread. The red and blue hid the dirt really well so it didn't look like we were delivering bread straight from a farm shed.

There has been studies done in the trucking industry here showing that people are becoming immune to yellow and green hi-viz. So many people are wearing them, including people that don't need to, they just become part of what your eyes expect to see and you will often overlook one making them not so safe at all.
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Thats incredibly prominent here in the states. ESPECIALLY THE SOUTH. So many people wearing high-viz for no fucking reason. Same with camo. The redneck/hick stereotype is real around here.
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We don't have a lot of cammo here unless people are actually doing something that needs it like hunting. It's not streetwear around my neck of the woods.
People like to think they're real suthern n shiet for wearing camo all the damn time. And half of them don't even hunt or amything, or have a permit to hunt for that matter. I get the likability of it though, but I don't see much of the point fot every day wear.
I can get around that man. Hell yeah thats a comfy way to dress imo! Like a fisherman monk :lol:

I hate high viz. Having been born with eye problems and had surgery for it, the high viz shit REALLY affects my eyes when it reflects.
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Kmart is practically dying here in the States. All the Kmarts round here are empty buildings.

Kmart here has kicked the shit out of the opposition, of course they are only selling cheap imported shit but they rebranded and are making quiet a good business out of selling cheap shit. Our Kmart is a bit different to yours though.