The Shitposting Thread

Just now posted a video to my YouTube channel
Made it a ew days ago
Oh, shit
It's been a whole fucking year since I posted a video to my YouTube channel
Hanging out with the girl who is insisting on being celibate

Convinced her to walk around naked for me

The trade off is that now I am her therapist for the issues that are making her celibate
Had sex with a couple of random girls since I made the last post

So at least I am not having to be celebate with her
no, i didn't die
i had a job for a while
got paid with meth instead of money
smoked the meth
got super twacked out and forgot the internet existed for a while
i was actually being kinda serious when i said i was "patient zero"
in the middle of summer 2019 i temporarily lost my sense of smell
at the time i thought it was because of the meth i was smoking
didn't care that my sense of smell was gone because all my other senses remained intact and i reaquired my sense of smell before december
so i really could have healed from Coronavirus before anyone had even labeled it as a thing especially when you take into consideration the fact that i'm always a typhoid-mary when it comes to a "regular flu"

i've never had any kind of side-effect reactions from any vaccines, ever
and the paperwork for the one-shot-vaccine says "this vaccine does not contain any virus and cannot infect any person with coronavirus"
so i neither expected nor experienced any of the side-effects you guys are describing

my bones are much harder to break than a random person's bones
so i'm less likely to die from my brain getting liquified when my skull shatters into a billion pieces
and i'm less likely to drown in my own blood from a broken rib ripping my lung

my body seems mysteriously intact even though i've done enough hard drugs to kill an army

not sure if this is awesome or horrible
but i just realized that i have a pretty good shot at being one of those people that live past 115