The Shitposting Thread


ive done the whipped cream can thing before, it didnt work too well. first time i tried it i couldnt get the cream and the gas to seperate, and i let it sit under my bed for a few months and ended up trying it again and it worked a little better and i felt a slight buzz...just a little lightheaded and my hands felt a little numb. barely any gas tho

im probably just gonna order the whippits as that makes whay more sense for my purposes
Your lack of impulse control, self-destructive behavior, depression, and paranoia
if he's already like this without doing meth
maybe he's the kind of person where doing meth will fix him
i know a girl that looks like she's high on crack when she's sober and doing meth makes her actually look sober
maybe @HadesRagnazrath might be one of those 1-out-of-1000 people where meth calms him down instead of speeding him up
if he's already like this without doing meth
maybe he's the kind of person where doing meth will fix him
i know a girl that looks like she's high on crack when she's sober and doing meth makes her actually look sober
maybe @HadesRagnazrath might be one of those 1-out-of-1000 people where meth calms him down instead of speeding him up

i doubt it calms anyone down really, its just that if you are an erratic person stims can make you either more focused and energetic or more erratic and energetic

ive taken small amounts of nicotine orally and it gave me a mood boost and made me feel like i was really tall. wouldnt say it calmed me down though. small amounts inhaled just relaxed me after trying it a few times (the first few times gave me a rush)

@Terasophe click on this^^ link

fuck no i wouldnt shoot it, i would either smoke or snort it, ideally smoke

shooting up stuff like that is why ppl die with heroin...dosing becomes way to sensitive...and fuck knows what could be mixed in there

smoking/snorting/swallowing are easier to control and give a little buffer

smoking is definitively the safest way to do meth

I know, just trying to clear my conscience of guilt for when he ruins his life. I mean, the kid was never a winner to begin with, but nothing good ever came from the thought "hm, I think it's a good idea to smoke meth". How did you end up a homeless anyhow? Was it meth related?

me becoming homeless wasn't meth related

yes meth can fix your addictions to other drugs
it's a real thing, i've seen people use meth to get off heroin

Before the video even starts, his disclaimer says;

"This is NOT advice. I am NOT a doctor and this should NOT be tried by anyone else."

of course it has this disclaimer
but that doesn't necessarily make the rest of the video unhelpful

of course, my point was that its inaccurate to blindly assume that a substance is all bad

every drug has risks and benefits, and they vary from person to person

i agree with you here
but @EternalMetal was actually researching before making the statements in his posts

Sounds like this guy used meth to get over a decade long severe addiction to alcohol. Everything about this story sounds like a massive anomaly, and if you think you're one of these special cases where you'll be helped or not harmed by trying various highly addictive hardcore substances you're a bigger spastic than I thought.

Anything can be countered with some random ass obscure example, odds are it won't mean shit for you. You're not special.

(FYI - I don't care if you try every shit-tier life-destroying drug on the planet, just don't lie to yourself and expect us to go along with your immature delusions.)

yes the story was an anomoly
but that's not going to stop @HadesRagnazrath from doing meth

i dont need anyone else to go along with what i do, my point was simply that meth isnt purely a bad has had a positive effect on some peoples life

meth can alleviate your dependence on other drugs
and it can be helpful for treating chronic fatigue syndrome

I have experience with drugs personally, and have even studied a bit of medicine myself. I am not "blindly" assuming anything. I may not have an MD, but I know what im talking about. Your lack of impulse control, self-destructive behavior, depression, and paranoia suggest to me that you are not mentally stable, and are without a doubt NOT the type of person who should experiment with meth. Also the guy in that video wasn't trying to use meth recreationally in any way, and only ate as much as it took to take the alcohol cravings away. It may have had a (currently) positive impact on his life, but I bet it ruins yours. Good luck kid.

@EternalMetal i agree with you
but maybe @HadesRagnazrath using meth won't be quite so bad if he can do it in small enough amounts

There are some women who say they're stronger people as a result of being raped. Like I said, you can find counter-examples for most things.

but that's only because rapists prey on "weak" women anyway
being raped can change behavior in such a way that the victim is less likely to be targeted by rapists in the future

im gonna put it this way...if im interested in doing something and i come across the means to do so i will more than likely do it

so you know, i would almost certainly try other stims first to see how i react. the only uppers i have experience with are caffeine and nicotine, both of which i really like. and possibly this stuff called eugenol but its effects were kind of hard to explain so idk how to categorize it...i was rolling on the floor laughing at my own thoughts yet i felt warm and numb. it gave me a shitty hangover though...actually i just remembered ive heard of ppl using that stuff to enhance meth or something now that i think about it

i would tell you to do Adderall first before you do meth

Yea dude, definitely dont start off with the great granddaddy of all uppers then. Even Adderall is crazy addictive and makes you feel amazing, and it doesnt have shit on smoking meth. Dextroamphetamine is the hardest stim ive ever tried, and if I was able to get my hands on more of it (I used it as a study tool in college), I could easily see myself wanting it daily. Ive also had that stuff that dude was prescribed in the video (Vyvanse), and it too is pretty addictive. Coke is nice, ritalin is garbage. From what it sounds like, you don't even know what the amphetamine rush feels like. It is so good that I couldn't even imagine the (much more powerful) euphoria of smoking meth. Id crave that shit for the rest of my life (I had month long cravings for dextroamp after I ran out of my study doses). And while you do feel great, you do get that heightened sense of paranoia when you start to come down, and become very jumpy and nervous, and initially redosing at the cost of sleep temporarily makes this go away, but then it gets amplified when you come down again. You WILL want to do this shit daily, and after a while the effects no longer make you "better" at doing things like they initially do.

How about downers and psychedelics? Any experience?

obviously he has no experience doing amphetamines
but i still think he'll be okay if he's smoking meth instead of shooting it

just inhalants and nutmeg (yeah it can get you high). inhalants are dissasociatives which is kind of in between downers and psychedelics. glue was basically an insane body high and hallucinations that constantly morph. basically made me feel like i was some kind of energetic life and that the music i was listening to was waves within my electrical body. butane has the same comforting warming feeling but in small doses it sort of feels like a downer version of nicotine

nutmeg was really unpleasant. i wasnt aware of any visuals but something weird and hard to explain happened and i didnt realize until years later so its possible i was hallucinating a lot of other things too without knowing, just an altered perception of reality...time felt slow as fuck and i was basically emotionless. it made a funny story though because when i was 14 and tried it i ended up having to give a speech in front of the whole school while i was high

id be willing to try acid or shrooms or even dmt but its not something id do randomly, id have to make sure i was in the right state of mind and setting

the right "setting" should include experienced users supervising you
as i said earlier, i'd watch your reactions and cut you off if you were doing meth next to me
If he starts eating catfood I'll be really worried.


i doubt it calms anyone down really, its just that if you are an erratic person stims can make you either more focused and energetic or more erratic and energetic

ive taken small amounts of nicotine orally and it gave me a mood boost and made me feel like i was really tall. wouldnt say it calmed me down though. small amounts inhaled just relaxed me after trying it a few times (the first few times gave me a rush)

nicotine calming you down is usually a symptom of nicotine addiction

With all the legally obtainable alternatives im actually surprised you didnt list DXM (cough syrup). I think your main problem is that you have yet to experience a decent drug. Aside from weed and alcohol, which I have to assume you have done, nothing you listed is very good (or even safe for that matter). And yea, ive heard of nutmeg to get high, but the people I know who tried it say it kind of sucks.

DXM in products containing alcohol won't get you a good high unless you evaporate the alcohol first

Im interested in trying DXM theres some pills and syrups in the medicine cabinet but they all have other shit in them like guafinessin so fuck that. actually i have a bottle of dimetapp that might be okay but it has something else in it...i cant remember the name but i know its sort of like benadryl. not sure how it is in high doses though. i was planning on ordering some codeine/promethazine syrup though

i actually havent smoked weed before believe it or my old school it was impossible to buy unless you were a rich kid basically (lots of snitches and ppl didnt really sell, more just give it to their friends if they had money). Im probably gonna start this year because im about to get my license and ill actually be able to go places to smoke...the main thing with weed is that its hard to conceal cuz of the smell. ive only drank a little, only enough to slightly enhance my mood

honestly man my experiences with inhalants were fucking great...aside from the long term effects of course

get the over-the-counter liquid medicine with a lot of alcohol in it, then bake out the alcohol where it goes from being a liquid to a solid
what's left should give you either a heroin-high or a meth-high depending on which one you're evaporating

you've gotten high without doing weed
that's kinda weird

If he starts eating catfood I'll be really worried.


last time i huffed glue was like 4 years ago...basically i was huffing butane and i coughed and all of the sudden i got that achy feeling. ended up sick as fuck with a crazy ass fever for days, just sat there watching the simpsons and i couldnt even open a fucking gatorade. i started feeling better after a few days so i huffed a bunch of spray glue and got really fucked up. two days later i start coughing like crazy so i go to the doctor and theyre like "you have pneumonia". i didnt huff glue since...honestly that just happened to be the last time, i didnt really give a fuck about the pneumonia

the reason i still mess around with butane is that i can use a really small amount and just get a nice buzz and it is less poisonous than solvents. once i get the whipits im not huffing butane anymore

i'm not even sure if they even still make the type of glues that used to make me get high
but then my drug-of-choice has never been inhalants

You have much less experience with drugs than I thought. Honestly if you want to try whippets now, just go to the store, get the large bottle of Reddiwhip and some ice cream. Make sure the cream is settled in the can, and take in about 3/4 of your lung capacity and hold it in for like 15-20 seconds. Depending on your lung capacity you might be able to get another hit out of the can. Don't breathe the contents back into a balloon, you can get CO2 poisoning that way. Then eat some ice cream. Stop huffing that butane.

@EternalMetal is right here
the fumes from reddiwhipp is safer than butane


ive done the whipped cream can thing before, it didnt work too well. first time i tried it i couldnt get the cream and the gas to seperate, and i let it sit under my bed for a few months and ended up trying it again and it worked a little better and i felt a slight buzz...just a little lightheaded and my hands felt a little numb. barely any gas tho

im probably just gonna order the whippits as that makes whay more sense for my purposes

i really can't imagine the high from reddiwhipp being super strong

any solvent glue will get you high. obviously not a good idea but yeah anything with toluene, hexane, heptane etc will fuck you up. also theres nitrous in whipped cream but its hard to get it to seperate which is why id rather but whipits

not sure what you mean about the heroin or meth high...codeine is an opiate so if you drink codeine syrup it will give you an opiate buzz but meth??
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but maybe @HadesRagnazrath using meth won't be quite so bad if he can do it in small enough amounts

obviously he has no experience doing amphetamines
but i still think he'll be okay if he's smoking meth instead of shooting it

Well, how much stronger is smoking meth with consuming adderall or dexedrine? I have plenty of experience with the latter, but not the former (ive sworn to never do meth). I imagine meth as like 5-10x as strong, which imo would be mindblowing to basically anyone, and more so to people who have never had a true upper.

DXM in products containing alcohol won't get you a good high unless you evaporate the alcohol first

Wrong. Alcohol will even potentiate DXM. Extraction is definitely unnecessary. Robitussin Max Strength and Robitussin Cough Gels are perfectly fine when consumed within dose. Im actually not sure if Max Strength exists anymore, but guaifenesin in high quantities is harmless (adds slightly to the already nausea side effect though). I did this shit in high school, and combined with weed it was a very Ketamine-like experience.

get the over-the-counter liquid medicine with a lot of alcohol in it, then bake out the alcohol where it goes from being a liquid to a solid
what's left should give you either a heroin-high or a meth-high depending on which one you're evaporating

I don't know of any OTC cough medicines that would yield this effect. DXM is a dissociative, and the similarities with opiates are only subtle. Maybe you have differenct OTC cough medicines in Texas? Codeine syrup is not OTC anywhere im aware of.

i really can't imagine the high from reddiwhipp being super strong

It is about the same as a single dose inhalation of a cracker. It is more expensive, but very easily obtained. The only reason why I suggest it is because butane is dangerous and this is much safer relatively. You get the full out "wah" even with a reddiwhip container.
I just found a bottle of Delsym which is supposed to be good for tripping because its just dxm and it tastes good and doesnt make most ppl puke. also i could do the extraction. ill probably try it when i get the chance

i think codeine and promethazine is available otc but im not sure

in my experience the whipped cream container is really hard to use so im just gonna buy whipits
I just found a bottle of Delsym which is supposed to be good for tripping because its just dxm and it tastes good and doesnt make most ppl puke. also i could do the extraction. ill probably try it when i get the chance

Delsym works, but it is long-acting via a plastic polymer so it is a more subtle high. Down an entire 3oz bottle and expect to be high for about 10 hours (takes about 2 hours to kick in though, just beware of that). Delsym may taste slightly better, but I developed a gag reflex to it, so definitely use a chaser for good measure. I find carbonated beverages are best, like pepsi or coke. I took more of this shit than im proud of back in high school, so im full of first-hand non-doctor advice on it. Just dont take Coricidin, that shit is death. The worst part about DXM is the nausea. Eating it on an empty stomach makes it kick in hardest, but it is often hard to handle. Don't take it after a full meal though or you will ruin the effects. Eat small, dose, and maybe after an hour take some pepto. Smoking weed helps with the nausea while also enhancing the psychedelia, but you don't have that so oh well.

You can try the extraction methods, but they really arent worth it unless you can measure it out on a scale. You are best off with a DXM-pure (as an active) syrup, Gauf is ok, and cough gels. Usually the onset of the high is accompanied with a temporary bout of diarrhea, so once your stomach starts to rumble, get to the bathroom.

If you want opinions on dosing before you try, let me know.
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Tom Nixon August 8, 2011 · ╔══════════════ ೋღ
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ღೋ ══════════════╝
@EternalMetal thanks for the advice

from what ive heard the extraction gets rid of most of the nausea. my plan was to extract the bottle, let the powder dry, then mix it into some soda, gatorade, or water. i'll have to check how much the dose is...i weigh like 120 pounds so i know 80mg is first plateau for me. not sure exactly how shit translates with extended release though, i'll have to figure that out

also before i drink it i'll probably eat a banana or something and take like 25-50 mg of dhp
Nah, extraction does nothing for the nausea except for the first couple minutes of having to down a big dose of nasty syrup. It stays with you without a carbonated beverage, but nausea is still a side effect of the drug.
I'll see if i can find more on you said the syrup tastes like shit but also it has a bunch of artificial sweeteners and other shit in there that can cause nausea. it looks like it isnt a problem with dxm polisterex like it is with regular dxm tho

basically i want to mix it in a gatorade or something and sip it over like an hour

im gonna try and buy some weed as soon as possible...
anyone have experience with renting an apartment or house without proof of income? is it even possible in the us? my plan is to try and find a really cheap place to live, like 400 a month, maybe in NC
Adderall is the worst and the euphoria you feel during its peak isn't worth the come down. I was prescribed that shit since I was a young child and continued on with it into adulthood. Won't touch it anymore.
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Doubt you'll find anything without poi besides a rathole somewhere with a landlord that harvests organs for the black market on the side. You'd be best checking out sublets man.

oh like renting part of a house or apartment from a tenant? i could do that. also if i got a part time job i could qualify for section 8 vouchers (where i would only have to pay 30 percent of my income towards rent)

the other option would be living in a motel, not sure how cheap they go