The Tasteless Jokes Thread

Straight from a web site.

Why does a Jew pick his nose?
It's cheaper than using a tissue.

What time is bed time at the Jew's house?
When electricity is too expensive.

What repulsive thing can be found in a Jew's clothes?
The occupant.

Why did the gas company fire the Jew?
He was allergic to gas.

Why are Jews' pants so big?
So they don't need to buy a wallet.

Why don't Jews eat pork?
The Torah prohibits cannibalism
Q: How many jews does it take to fix an oven?

A: How the hell would I know? They stopped trying at 7000. lulz

Q: What's fatser than a speeding bullet?

A: A Jew with a coupon.

Q: Why did the jews walk the desert for 5 days?

A: Someone dropped a quarter there.
how do you get 4 jews in a car?

toss a quarter in

how do you get them out again?

ask who's paying for gas

As part Jewish, I feel adequately discriminated against. But no one has discriminated against my Irish and Norwegian heritage. Come on guys. I know there are some good Irish jokes out there.
sadly, yes.

what do 9 out of 10 people enjoy?

gang rape.

why didn't Colin McRae's flight simulator sell?

It kept crashing.

why were so many women at the crucifixion?

because jesus was hung like this *extends arms*
it doesn't really translate online. I found it farkin' hilarious the first time someone told it with hand actions, although their 'retarded jesus' impression may have helped with that.
Whats the difference between a black man and a white man?

Black man will steal your proprety, while white man will steal your heritage.

I came up with that one.:)

how do you get 4 jews in a car?

toss a quarter in

how do you get them out again?

ask who's paying for gas

As part Jewish, I feel adequately discriminated against. But no one has discriminated against my Irish and Norwegian heritage. Come on guys. I know there are some good Irish jokes out there.

Q: What's an Irish 7 course meal?

A: A six pack and a potato.

Q: Why did God create beer?

A: So the Irish(or Germans) wouldn't rule the world.

Q: Why are the streets of Paris lined with trees?

A: So Germans can always march in the shade.

My local gun shop has a couple French Army rifles on sale. They've never been fired and only dropped once.

Q: Why don't Germans make good radio DJ's?

A: They can't get used to taking requests instead of orders.

Q: Why did the queer get fired from the sperm bank?

A: He was drinking on the job.

Q: What do you call an epileptic who falls into a lettuce patch?

A: Seizure salad.

Q: How do you clear out a pool hall full of Mexicans?


Q: What's a Mexican fortune cookie?

A: A taco with a green card in it.

Q: What's a Black fortune cookie?

A: A watermelon with a welfare check in it.

Q: How many Blacks does it take to pave a road?

A: Depends on how thin you slice them.