The Tech Question Thread

The earlier Celicas were perhaps the most indestructible vehicle ever made. In high school ('93-'94) my buddy had an '81 and it used to make me sick how it would never ever break no matter how much he destroyed it. Meanwhile, my '89 Escort would suffer bullshit like the heater core going bad and the auto seatbelts getting stuck.
yeah, :lol: at auto seatbelts. Mine, of course, got stuck in the open position hahahahahaha I drove around with just a if it were 1971 or something.
:lol: @ the XT.

and yeah the Dodge Stealth was basically a poor man's Ferrari at the time. But of course a piece of shit Dodge in the end.
I just re-noticed how the speedometer on the XT went to 140. :lol:

edit: That probably was a factor in the sale at the time of purchase as well. Dumbass 16yr olds.

edit2: It was as if you were actually in a cockpit of some fucked up jet.

edit3: The shifter was even modeled after a godamned airplane liftoff lever.

edit4: It's a good thing that lil thumb knub on the steering wheel is there. Control man, control.
nah i would never buy something with that much 1980's electronic space-tec in it, my dad has owned a few too many 1980's citroens for me to not realize that's a bad idea
haha I forgot about the Subaru XT stuff in this thread....
anyway, so my desktop is on its last legs and the wife and I both have laptops and dont even need it anymore. But it has shitloads of pics on it. Can I just get an external HD and transfer the files to it or what?
Any suggestions as to what brand, type, size, etc?
I really want this monitor but need to upgrade my video card prior as my current one can't go higher than 1680 res.

Can anyone recommend me on less than $50 that is decent? I don't play game but do use the Adobe suite religiously and play HD videos ... spanks!
