The Tech Question Thread

Where's the video game thread? meh.

My 360 died again. I'm not repairing it this time. It doesn't deserve my attention.
What's a worthy replacement? PS3?
did you guys see this?

pretty slick

awaiting for Erik to YELL! :loco:

Very cool and probably good for a compact camera user that still likes to fiddle around with the photos, but the sample on that site at least was crappy quality and not good enough for proper use. That will most likely be improved upon with further technological advancements, but no competitor for even bad DSLR cameras yet.
fun toy and cool technology but as said, the files look like crap

i don't really like the IDEA of this because a photograph is supposed to be static in composition. i guess it would be cool to be able to fine-tune focus afterwards when you've taken a really great photo marred by only a slight focus error but when people start uploading their photos as flash files with movable point of focus then that's pretty stupid from an artistic point of view.

the "fix it in the mix" mindset is very prevalent these days, people forget that the absolute easiest and least time-consuming way to do things right is to just get it right in the first place
How's come when I had my DVD player, the movies filled up the entire screen, but since I've been watching fancy-schmancy Blu-Ray, every fucking movie I rent has the letterbox shit or whatever it is. You know what I'm sayin. Black on top and bottom. In other words, a sginificant portion of my veiwing screen is wasted. Why?
my car along with 3 others on my block was broken into last night. they got a worthless 5 year old mp3 player.
hope the rookie thief likes bad Death Metal.

that being said. help me shop for a new mp3 player. I have a $50 budget :loco:
ahhh...the ol' car-break-in bandit....the lamest criminal possible. I've had some change stolen before....and an old printer that I was going to take to Goodwill :lol:
Here you go Lurch.

[ame=]SanDisk Sansa Fuze 4 GB Video MP3 Player (Black)[/ame]

I've had one of these for a while now.
hahha, thanks. the one they stole was a Sansa. very similar to that one.
might just stick to my blackberry as a player for now.
heh I was going through some shitz today and found my old SimCity 4 discs.
It prompted me to google the game to see if anything new was coming out and I found a page that mentioned the game's inherent bugs and how EA Games never bothered to fix them
I never knew that. I went so far as to buy and install more RAM in my desktop back in the day because I thought it was my hardware that couldn't handle the game. Fucking hell - it was the software all along.
i don't think that's entirely true

i mean sure ea are probably douchebags who don't give no shits but yeah i just don't think that's entirely true

it's a pretty heavy game for the time any way you look at it and there were a few updates that improved it

"Windows 8 only takes about 210 MB of RAM to run at its base level, apparently."

haha so this is what counts as impressive these days then

ONLY 210 MB!!!

jesus christ fuck

this is going to be one of the penultimate nails (i hesitate to say final because old dinosaurs like this die hard) in microsoft's coffin. changing the only thing that keeps people still with ms windows (the familiar ui) for something that looks like windows phone (an os no one asked for and no one wants to use) is going to be an absolute disaster, unless you can still change it back to look like windows 95. in which case people will, but no one will upgrade voluntarily.

windows has looked exactly the same since 1995 for a reason -- the ui was the only thing they got kind of right but now they're going into territory they do not understand and are going to get promptly owned by android, chrome os and ios on one side and mac os x and hopefully even ubuntu and friends on the other