The Tech Question Thread

i don't think that's entirely true

i mean sure ea are probably douchebags who don't give no shits but yeah i just don't think that's entirely true

it's a pretty heavy game for the time any way you look at it and there were a few updates that improved it

wheres these updates you speak of?

heh, btw, the game played just as bad or perhaps even worse after I doubled my RAM. :(
being good at computers is not something I would be proud of/that computer was pretty bad
being good at computers is a necessary skill in today's fast-paced business environment
I agree. But that still doesn't mean that being good at computers is anything to be proud of.
there was this kid who was proud to drink gasoline

you don't have to approve of that either you son of a bitch

in tears actually, my keyboard barely works from the moat that has formed between the keys
Whatever "good at computers" means
I think Erik was saying I am "bad" at computers because I couldn't find an update for my SimCity4 game. If that's what good means, then that's pretty lame.
I mean, yeah, I wish I thought to look for a repair but it didn't cross my mind. I'm not saying I'm bad at computers, just that I spend my time being good at other stuff. There's only so much time in a day, yeah? I can't be good at everything.
Whatever "good at computers" means
I think Erik was saying I am "bad" at computers because I couldn't find an update for my SimCity4 game. If that's what good means, then that's pretty lame.
I mean, yeah, I wish I thought to look for a repair but it didn't cross my mind. I'm not saying I'm bad at computers, just that I spend my time being good at other stuff. There's only so much time in a day, yeah? I can't be good at everything.

naw its more like if sim city 4 runs WORSE with twice the amount of ram you must be extraordinarily terrible at computers
The point that should be taken from all this is that sim city fucking sucks

If I wanted to make a shitty god damn city I would have been a toronto city planner, this place is a FUCKING MESS
i was a huge sim city nerd when i was little

i had sim city, sim city 2000, sim city 3000, sim farm, sim tower, sim isle, and a million other build-shit games

sim city 2000 was always da best though
The subway is a total of two feet which would now cost a fortune to expand, bicycle lanes are erected in the most congested of areas (in the shittiest implementation known to man), meanwhile other areas where cars speed at 80+KM/h in 50 zones have no bike lanes. One way streets plague certain core areas, which are a cool idea for the first 5 minutes and then cause veins to burst with unbridled anger rising at exponential rates every second beyond said 5 minute limit, etc. The list of failures goes on and on.

There was no foresight in the initial stages of planning and now any choice in correcting this is a half measure that is flawed in some way.


Come to Manhattan ... we live on a grid.

I wouldn't mind seeing Manhattan actually. I imagine much like one way streets the appeal of such a layout would wear off.. almost instantly to me.
one-way streets rock ... ESPECIALLY in Manhattan. I wouldn't want to have those psycho cab drivers coming head on with me constantly.