The Tech Question Thread

This sounds pretty damn intriguing, especially at the wee cost of a c-note. Though I tossed all my OS disks, because I can. I was going to take my backup laptop in for some repairs (7 yr old Vaio that runs like a snail going up a hill of molasses.) Perhaps installing one of these bad boys will turn things around?

Any particular brand ye lads recommended?
well actually you could just copy over the contents of your old drive to your ssd but i imagine that involves a bit more computer janitoring than you're comfortable with

easier to just nuke it and do over
Yeah.. I used Clonezilla to transition over from my old Intel SSD to the new Samsung Pro 840. The EZ-MOAD software Samsung includes didn't even work for me. Just start fresh unless you are comfortable using Clonezilla or Acronis
as i understand it:

short answer: yes, that is correct
long answer: depending on the device it might not actually work right if it absolutely requires the higher bandwidth of usb3 to function
yeah hard drives are nemas problemas

it's more like maybe a multichannel sound card or something might utilize the full bandwidth of usb 3.0 and malfunction in a 2.0 port i guess
That Sansa clip+ player is fucking full-on badassery. iPod pisses me the hell off with it not supporting FLAC (unless you hack it with Rockbox somehow), not expandable, and won't license anyone to be able to utilize an external DAC. I loathe apple.
Hey Jonathan! What god damn shitcunting program BESIDES iTunes can I use to organize an iPod and other random mp3 bullshit on a Mac?

I've lived with iTonks for years. It's fucking dumb, but I've seen dumber (believe you me). But the newest version? Holy living fuck. It is HORRID.

Maybe I should just read the advice from 4 posts up about this Rockbox thing. But I like bumping threads. I'm a threadbumper.

I've had a MacBook for about 6 years now, and I use a nice/fancy/expensive iMac at work. I've never been pro- or anti- whatever because really, they all suck.

But the Apple from the last few years? Jebus CHRIST their shit sucks BAWLZ. Gay beyond hope and reason! I'm going back to PC when this thing dies.
Hey Jonathan! What god damn shitcunting program BESIDES iTunes can I use to organize an iPod and other random mp3 bullshit on a Mac?

HA! You're asking me?! I was going to ask the same thing today. iTurds sucks. I don't know why I decided to use it to organize all my shitz. Now I'm fucked because I'm not about to do it again on some other program. Besides, my Zeppelin Air only works with Airplay. Woop! woop! [/fail]
itunes is the literal worst garbageshit and if you ever let it near your computer then lol