The things that make you angry thread

To be slightly less "angsty"... I hate it when people don't cover their face when they sneeze*. I don't want to walk into your snot. I thought it was a common manner, whether or not you had a mom.

*I hold all my sneezes in so it sounds like a tiny implosion and nothing leaks.

My gf usually goes insane with sneezing people :lol: It is indeed quite annoying though. It's especially fun during cold season when there's usually around eight people or so on the subway surrounding you with their filthy germs.
When people steal from me. I hope satan pee's on there flesh and rolls them around in flour and puts them in a deep fryer at 350 degree's then picked at by the starving children of ethiopia before they are digested and shit into buckets that they then throw into the fucking river.
omfg i just typed a huge paragraph and now it disapeared and now IE work is being gay with "everything i click" opens a new window even though i just changed it now the caps key wont work>> fuck today
ok fixed..

anyway now for what i was trying to say before i got gayed.

I'm sure i know who it was, this person was seen in my room while i was in the shower. It's inevitable though, shit happens and not much i can do. I don't jump to conlusions it could of been anyone. It's sad because i paid this person's bills for last month and now this. I'm such a generious guy that, even though i was short some money, i would of givin' this person some money as long as they asked, stealing it from me is like a swift kick in the balls.

and since today so far sucks, ill rant about something else that bugs me.

canned chili with no beans.

what the fuck is wrong with America? Obama, Palin, Black People, CHILI WITH NO BEANS. It's the end of America as we know it.

It's not even real chili its just fuckin MUSH that i can sip through a straw....partical sized meat in there that i don't even call meat in the 1st place cause it's just mush....if i see someone buying that i wonder what the hell happened to this person's childhood that made him or her buy something like that....hey ma'am, want some chili? hey get one that had beans for the same price, jeeeeez. chili flavored SHIT is what it is. I can't believe people call that chili. ok im done.
being unable to chill out because i'm too anxious about hearing back from my boss about getting my shift for saturday switched with someone else

damnit home depot, probobly gonna make me miss my friend's birthday party *shakes fist*
what the fuck is wrong with America? Obama, Palin, Black People, CHILI WITH NO BEANS. It's the end of America as we know it.

It's not even real chili its just fuckin MUSH that i can sip through a straw....partical sized meat in there that i don't even call meat in the 1st place cause it's just mush....if i see someone buying that i wonder what the hell happened to this person's childhood that made him or her buy something like that....hey ma'am, want some chili? hey get one that had beans for the same price, jeeeeez. chili flavored SHIT is what it is. I can't believe people call that chili. ok im done.

I live off of that stuff! beanless chili rules!
Does it also sound like he's breathing through a haystack because his nose hairs have mutated to the thickness of porcupine quills?

LOL! Yes, it sounds exactly like this! hahah, I can't stand to be near him when he eats! It also sounds labored, and he makes these whinny grunting sounds that are barley audible but you can hear them when it's quiet. Ewww. hahha, but you can hear the nose breathing in a wind storm!
My assistant manager is such a cunt.

Apparently now I have to ask her permission before I sit down and open a book... when there's nobody in the store and our other coworker hasn't done anything but read the newspaper all morning.

I tried to talk to her about holding me to a double standard, and she went super defensive and ranted about how the store manager makes her do all the work, she takes the blame for everyone's mistakes, et cetera. And when she did mention me, all she said was that she's "training" me, and then she told me that I'm "lucky" to work there, and that I wouldn't survive in any other upscale retailer. And everything she said she repeated about ten more times.

When I asked why it was okay for everyone else to be on their phones or read while I couldn't do homework, she said that the other woman who was there today had worked there for a long time, so she didn't have to do a lot of work anymore. What???? I probably shouldn't have said anything because she's so stubborn and SO fucking stupid that she couldn't even understand what I was trying to say. She kept telling me that the work wasn't hard and that I should just do it, and I couldn't make her see that the workload isn't what bothers me. I brought up the incident when I changed the mannequins, and instead of realizing that I was trying to give her an example of how she singled me out, she brought up the whole stupid argument again!

She says that she's looking for a new job, and I hope she finds one soon because I cannot fucking stand this anymore. It's such an easy job and she's making it so difficult for no reason.

My assistant manager is such a cunt.

Apparently now I have to ask her permission before I sit down and open a book... when there's nobody in the store and our other coworker hasn't done anything but read the newspaper all morning.

I tried to talk to her about holding me to a double standard, and she went super defensive and ranted about how the store manager makes her do all the work, she takes the blame for everyone's mistakes, et cetera. And when she did mention me, all she said was that she's "training" me, and then she told me that I'm "lucky" to work there, and that I wouldn't survive in any other upscale retailer. And everything she said she repeated about ten more times.

When I asked why it was okay for everyone else to be on their phones or read while I couldn't do homework, she said that the other woman who was there today had worked there for a long time, so she didn't have to do a lot of work anymore. What???? I probably shouldn't have said anything because she's so stubborn and SO fucking stupid that she couldn't even understand what I was trying to say. She kept telling me that the work wasn't hard and that I should just do it, and I couldn't make her see that the workload isn't what bothers me. I brought up the incident when I changed the mannequins, and instead of realizing that I was trying to give her an example of how she singled me out, she brought up the whole stupid argument again!

She says that she's looking for a new job, and I hope she finds one soon because I cannot fucking stand this anymore. It's such an easy job and she's making it so difficult for no reason.


Punch her tits!