My assistant manager is such a
Apparently now I have to ask her permission before I sit down and open a book... when there's nobody in the store and our other coworker hasn't done anything but read the newspaper all morning.
I tried to talk to her about holding me to a double standard, and she went super defensive and ranted about how the store manager makes her do all the work, she takes the blame for everyone's mistakes, et cetera. And when she did mention me, all she said was that she's "training" me, and then she told me that I'm "lucky" to work there, and that I wouldn't survive in any other upscale retailer. And everything she said she repeated about ten more times.
When I asked why it was okay for everyone else to be on their phones or read while I couldn't do homework, she said that the other woman who was there today had worked there for a long time, so she didn't have to do a lot of work anymore. What???? I probably shouldn't have said anything because she's so stubborn and SO fucking stupid that she couldn't even understand what I was trying to say. She kept telling me that the work wasn't hard and that I should just do it, and I couldn't make her see that the workload isn't what bothers me. I brought up the incident when I changed the mannequins, and instead of realizing that I was trying to give her an example of how she singled me out, she brought up the whole stupid argument again!
She says that she's looking for a new job, and I hope she finds one soon because I cannot fucking stand this anymore. It's such an easy job and she's making it
so difficult for no reason.