The things that make you angry thread

My roommate was in my room. I don't when or for what but she was in here and messed with the switch on the wall that doesn't control any light as I've told her before, but rather turns on the socket THAT MY COMPUTER IS PLUGGED INTO.

I'm putting a deadbolt on my door.

I do that to myself all the time. You of realize what you did about 3/4 of the way through. By then, it's too late. Gotta reset the alarm clock, get my settings back on the tv and stumble over to the light. Fuck my room.
not really angry about anything right now.

listened to crowbar's lifesblood for the downtrodden on the way home from work. i bought the cd a while ago but didn't really get into it because of windstein's vocals. put it into the cd player tonight on a whim and fucking love it.

i guess i'm angry that i didn't start listening to them sooner :googly:
John, a horrible horrible human that I used to work with at the Christmas Outlet came into my store today. I stayed out of his view for a while, but as our store is insanely small, he eventually spotted and recognized me, though I continued to ignore him. You see, when we worked back at the X-Mas store, he told me that I had a very "equine" face. When I stared blankly at him he assumed I didn't know what it meant. I told him no, I couldn't believe he just compared me to a horse. He's also caused another girl to cry on multiple occasions by calling her fat, etc. On the last day of my season, I almost got into a fist fight with him, which considering I'm very hard to egg on, is saying something. It was only later that my boss had told I could have hit him as she would have backing me on whatever I did.

So fastfoward, I'm folding shirts at the counter with my coworker, ignoring John who starts to talk to Liz. He tells her I'm really weird. I hear this and realize that the best thing for me is to just get away from him. (I told my boss what was going on and she let me go in the back). When he finally leaves, Liz tells me that he kept calling me weak-kneed and crazy. Unfortunately, my boss didn't hear any of this or she'd have thrown him out the store. We also had a lady come to us and say that she was worried about him being around her daughters, as if he was a molester... which he probably is.

Uggh. I don't know what that creep has against me; I'm one of the easiest, friendliest people to get along with. Oh well, next time he comes in my store, I'm calling security on him.

^You need to troll him. Smile, ignore all he says. Or engage in his conversation in a ludacris fashion. Make him REALLY think you're weird. He just wants a reaction, if you give it to him then he wins. Say some fucked up shit to get him off balance then strike :lol: He is a dumb asshole who cares what he says or thinks about you anyways.
Ha. I don't what care he thinks of me. The dude is upwards of 40 years old, believes he's some intellectual genius of a writer and yet was employed on the same level as me at a season job. I'm bothered that he comes into my store and tries to deface me. I had to walk away because I know I'd have hit him and I love my job too much to lose it on account of him.
Ha. I don't what care he thinks of me. The dude is upwards of 40 years old, believes he's some intellectual genius of a writer and yet was employed on the same level as me at a season job. I'm bothered that he comes into my store and tries to deface me. I had to walk away because I know I'd have hit him and I love my job too much to lose it on account of him.

Your first mistake is letting him bug you, and getting mad at what he says. You need to play the game. If you ignore him he wins because you still hear his comments. Better to play with him, get him really freaked and get some laughs from it. For example:

"You have an equine face"
"Yeah I eat a lot of carrots"
"That also explains why I got a saddle for Christmas"
There are some people in the world that should be shut off from humanity. He is one of them. And I want nothing to do with it. I don't believe ignoring him is letting him win as he wants a reaction out of me. I simply walk away, never look at him, never let him see that I recognized who he was. I win initially because I took the higher rode and removed myself from the situation. Yeah, I lose by complaining here, but there's a thread. And I always feel better after I rant. :)
There are some people in the world that should be shut off from humanity. He is one of them. And I want nothing to do with it. I don't believe ignoring him is letting him win as he wants a reaction out of me. I simply walk away, never look at him, never let him see that I recognized who he was. I win initially because I took the higher rode and removed myself from the situation. Yeah, I lose by complaining here, but there's a thread. And I always feel better after I rant. :)

Well ignoring him is an option I suppose, my suggestion is so much more fun though :lol: