The things that make you angry thread

I just payed 160 fucken dollars to get my car out of an impound lot. This fucken college bitch tells me my car wont get towed, there are so many spots they're not gonna tow you. FUCK. I told the fat bastard who worked behind the desk to suck my fucken dick, if the asshole didn't have a 9mm strapped on him i would have totally choked him to death. I fucken hate north carolina idk why the fuck i'm here for the rest of the week. new york fucken sucks but atleast you know your gonna get fucked when you move there, it's in the hey welcome to new york manual page fucken 1.
ADD fucking makes me pissed off. When I was a kid, I had ADHD and didn't care about it but now, the hyperactivity has worn off since and I still can't focus easliy. I was just doing some mental prepping for my Computer Forensics class less than a fucking minute ago and here I am, checking the forums because I CAN'T STAY FUCKING FOCUSED FOR MORE THAN 10 FUCKING MINUTES!

ADD fucking makes me pissed off. When I was a kid, I had ADHD and didn't care about it but now, the hyperactivity has worn off since and I still can't focus easliy. I was just doing some mental prepping for my Computer Forensics class less than a fucking minute ago and here I am, checking the forums because I CAN'T STAY FUCKING FOCUSED FOR MORE THAN 10 FUCKING MINUTES!


I had some dude trying to sell me Aterol in work for $8 a pill. I'll give you his number.
I had some dude trying to sell me Aterol in work for $8 a pill. I'll give you his number.

Nah, I'm good. :lol:

Actually, along with having ADD, I was also diagnosed and treated for Bi-Polar Depression as a kid but apparently, I have some of those chemical imbalances still active. I've known but I can overcome the depression quite easily I suppose because I've been able to control it.

Anyway, back on track, I saw a shrink for the first time in 10 years last year because of some things. I was prescribed Focalyn and something else for ADD but after the first day I took them, I became very lethargic. The second day, I was heavily depressed, angry, tired, annoyed and had a migraine all at the same time. I broke the dryer that night as well.

I'm very chemical-sensitive so I can't take anything for anything because it usually fucks everything up.

Calamitas1786 said:

Fucking fail so bad, I had to manually enter the quote.

Edit: Ha! I got it before you deleted it!