The things that make you angry thread

Fuck social life, sleep comes first. There are three people allowed to wake me up to talk, and only two have the balls. One is my boss.
hmm things that make me angry?..there are a lot of things:
1. stupid assholes that just cannot shut their mouth..
2. ignorant people who treat you like shit and make you feel ridiculous and
3. the crap that runs the most time on Tv.

oh sorry I know I decided not post in this forum anymore but let's forget it..
^ I agree. Sleep is AWESOME.

btw, not so much as "makes me angry" but more of "I fucking hate"

Does anyone else get irritated by those annoying people at the mall in those stands trying to sell you crap???
I spent the previous weekend shopping for my friends/family before my trip, and in every mall
there are those idiots (and most of them are from Israel btw!) that try to lure me into their little stand that is full of junk.

Speaking of malls, I also hate little hispanic babies who scream in public and their mothers who simply ignore them.
For some reason: I encountered 3 hispanic mommies at different times doing it!
so yeah.
Fanatic Communists and Anarchists. Especially the ones around here.

They're so unique and believe in their cause so much that they still haven't moved out of their rich parents' houses and can be seen driving their BMW around town, all the while protesting the "evil empire" that is America. They spend 10 years in college because mommy and daddy will continue to pay for whatever they want, so for the first thirty years of their lives, they're doing absolutely nothing for humanity except attending stupid protests. They are the epitome of hypocrisy.

I seriously hope they fucking die because I can't stand the fact that they're still alive, stealing my air. They literally serve absolutely no purpose on this earth. They are a waste of space and should be sterilized and/or killed.
Fanatic Communists and Anarchists. Especially the ones around here.

They're so unique and believe in their cause so much that they still haven't moved out of their rich parents' houses and can be seen driving their BMW around town, all the while protesting the "evil empire" that is America. They spend 10 years in college because mommy and daddy will continue to pay for whatever they want, so for the first thirty years of their lives, they're doing absolutely nothing for humanity except attending stupid protests. They are the epitome of hypocrisy.

I seriously hope they fucking die because I can't stand the fact that they're still alive, stealing my air. They literally serve absolutely no purpose on this earth. They are a waste of space and should be sterilized and/or killed.
haha so Italy has their Berkeley equivalent eh?
Oh yeah, man...definitely.

I mean, it's not what they believe that pisses me off; that's just a difference in opinion. It's the fact that they constantly throw shit at the US because they read some bullshit in a chain email and all of a sudden they're fucking experts on every aspect of the American political system. Meanwhile, they don't even do anything to support their beliefs...if anything, they are the epitome of what they're railing against, Capitalism. I mean, I have friends who are also far left or Communist, but they live their lives as someone would live according to their political leanings. They don't scream "Go home capitalist pigs!!!" out the window of their BMW while wearing Nike shoes and listening to RATM on their Ipod.

They never do it to Americans, though, which shows you they're just a bunch of spineless fags who have too much money. They've figured out that while Italians will get in each others' faces for hours screaming and yelling and raising hell and just wave their arms about, we Americans will knock your fucking teeth out. It's ok to express your opinion, just don't get in my face about it.
my pals always wanting shit from me and expecting me to drop my fucking priorities for them.

For example, I was a lead programmer on a project for a software company a few months ago and I waited for information before I could finish the app. When I finally got the information, it was expected of me to learn bullshit that I don't need to know to come up with formulas that were supposed to be fucking given to me. When I told them that I don't have time for that shit because of me taking 18 credits this quarter, we agreed that they would take me off of the project and replace me. This was about two weeks ago.

Now, they want me to evaluate the fucking thing to determine if the fucking thing is done besides the calculations, rather than evaluating the fucking thing themselves. Not only am I not getting paid for the countless amount of hours I put into the fucking thing but they expect me to do their fucking jobs for them for free, too? The fucked up part is that the person I was doing this project for is an old friend of mine.
did the endless set list... 84 songs. started at is now almost midnight, had to disband the list because my friend can't play the 3rd song from the end. I was on expert he was on now after all that time, we got nothing, im now tired and very sore, next time he is moving down to medium or easy....fuck

oh yeah and btw, thats 81 songs NON STOP. no food no drinks no bathroom break.