The ultimate test------> Just for fun!!!

I'm 46% bastard

I'll have sex with 15 people and love 2 of them :cry:

94% lazy, can anyone beat that? :spin:

and I'll die on may 3, 2046, at the age of 65
i'm 32% lazy, in case you wanna know.

to all those who will have sex with more ppl than me: i hope at the given date the cause of your death will be exhaustion. :mad:

to all those who are more bastard/bitch than me: please, don't hurt me, i'm meek. :cry:

to all those who will outlive me: try to contact me in the afterlife and bring me some beer. :hypno:

@rahvin: Don't worry, i won't hurt you much :flame:
Btw, just noticed we'll die on the same year, just with a few months difference :eek:
And since i'll die first, plz make sure u bring me anything i might forget behind :p

Siren (feeling limited with only 4 partners :err: :p)
Hmm... I've only taken the death test... so far. I have taken the others (but it was years ago-time to retake them).

I will live to be 72 :eek: and die on May 25, 2060 .

I don't want to live that long... :cry:

68% Bastard :heh:

I'll have sex with 12 females and have a 51% chance of dying during sex :guh:

I'm 42% lazy and I'll be a lifeless husk of carbon at the age of 79.

I guess when I hit 77 I'll start living like Nicolas Cage in "Leaving Las Vegas"
@Harmony: Well sometimes I drink water and have a cookie for the whole day because I'm too lazy to cook something decent, therefore I am not a fat bitch.
Originally posted by Siren

Btw, just noticed we'll die on the same year, just with a few months difference :eek:

interesting... come on, admit it: you're gonna infect me with a lethal sexually transmitted disease just a few days before you leave the land of the living! :p
and having sex at that age... :eek: we should somehow be ashamed of ourselves, but my head and eyes hurt so please take all the blame for a while. ;)

Just did the death and sex tests..

Sex test:

I'll have sex with 5 more ppl.

"5 of them will be female
0 of them will be male
And you will actually love 3 of them!
Based on your answers, there's a good change that someone you know secretly wants you. "

Death test:

"Mark your calendar or Palm V. You can expect to die on:
September 28, 2064
at the age of 82 years old.
On that date you will most likely die from:
Heart Attack (18%)
Cancer (18%)
Alien Abduction (9%)
Homicide (8%)
Loneliness (8%)
[Auto-Fellatio (8%)
Third Degree Burns (6%)
Horrible Accident (6%)
Drowning (6%)"
@TMI: Could the person who secretly wants you be me? :confused: It must be quite secretly though... :loco:

And Auto-Fellatio 8%?? How the hell did you get those results? :lol:
uhm 62.. the year is 2002 :p
guess i'll have to be even faster now :lol:

the forum is fucked up all day, a bug or smt..

oh, and according to the WordNet: fellatio (n): oral stimulation of the penis ;) :blush: