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Just saw something on another forum: "I could care less...". Are people that type or say this stupid, or just dumb?
I'm sure they heard someone say "I could care less" when they were younger, so they imitated it, and never bothered to find out if it was correct or not.

On Language by William Safire is an amusing book about this "kind've" thing.

EDIT - hhahaha irregardless
OOH OOH another one: overexaggerate
Tranquillian said:
It can't be just lazy.

It's no lazyness, its just stream of thought. Online most people feel like people arn't fucking retards, and they will understand what they are trying to say if they use a "their" instead of a "there".
Tranquillian said:
But it boggles my mind how people can not use the proper spelling online if THEY KNOW IT.

Its the train of thought thing, people just type ultra-mega-fast these days, then press enter/post thread/submit reply/watever instead of checking it over 123498 times like some uptight broad who doesn't listen to Angel Witch and drink PBR.
I don't really realize how im spelling untill one of you wankstains are like "LOL YOU SPELLED WRONG LOZER!" then i still don't care. I love you all anyways.
Russell said:
Their language? :p Haha, kidding.
what i meant by that was our bastardization of the queen's english, that had nothing to do with you brits. :loco:

hey irregardless fans GUESS WHAT. that word is in the fucking dictionary. YES! i have seen it!!! the clause is something like "improper, but due to overuse, it's now a word." MIGHT MAKES RIGHT!!! :rolleyes:

i've always been a bit of a grammar nazi, can you tell? makes me wonder if i'll start using proper capitalization ever again. :loco:
same here.

i ninja edit probably half my larger posts simply for grammatical and spelling errors.

edit: like this one, haha.
god damn nad said:
hey irregardless fans GUESS WHAT. that word is in the fucking dictionary. YES! i have seen it!!! the clause is something like "improper, but due to overuse, it's now a word." MIGHT MAKES RIGHT!!! :rolleyes:

It's not in Webster's anyway. I just checked, lol. Dude, I have fucking armchair corporate fuckwits making over $150,000/year writing memos to us low-lifes using the word "irregardless" and it just pisses me off to no end.
god damn nad said:
same here.

i ninja edit probably half my larger posts simply for grammatical and spelling errors.

edit: like this one, haha.
I ninja edit because I click post reply after I finish a thought instead of finishing the post. I'm too hasty.
i forget what dictionary i saw it in, it was like 5 years ago.

it's not in my dictionary thankfully. :D
It baffles me how much people here talk about shit like "How can you care about this band doing this or that selling out isn't real you shuoldn't care so much about blahblahblah" and meanwhile EVERYONE gets there g-strings in a bollan over irregardless? Give me a break.
It baffles me how much people here talk about shit like "How can you care about this band doing this or that selling out isn't real you shuoldn't care so much about blahblahblah" and meanwhile EVERYONE gets there g-strings in a bollan over irregardless? Give me a break.
well actually i think i'm in the minority on that opinion but either way, what the hell does that have to do with it? freedom of expression v. being a fucking moron are two entirely different things.

irregardless is not a word. it's like saying valentiMe's day for goat's suck, it grates on the nerves!!!