The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

lurch70 said:
the halloween pics are still pouring in ... caption this photo :lol:


Lurch: Hey baby, look at the snot I pulled out of my nose THIS time!!! ...Hey, FUCK YOU camera!!! *gives finger discreetly*

Female: He's a BIG man, but this baby carrot in my hand comes to mind when thinking about his..ahem...nether region. heh

Friend in background: Wait til you see him in my dad's yellow speedos!!!!!
she's going for yer carrot man.

seriously though, she's fucking hot. a little cushin, but i like that oohhhhhh yeaaaah.......
@ Maren ... hahahah that looks like some really funny stuff. love to see things like that, especially after a few drinks. does one post pictures on the internet? i finally got a new car and want to see what you think. but im too dumb to figure it out.
dorian gray said: does one post pictures on the internet? i finally got a new car and want to see what you think. but im too dumb to figure it out.
The pictures have to be online. Easiest way: Create an account at, upload your photos there, then post them here (photobucket gives you the image code).
20 years in NY, and never seen the Marathon in person ... went today and totally felt like a girlie man ... gotta get in shape



Totally forgot about these. These are the only decent ones out of all the pictures I took. I learned one lesson, if I'm going to take pictures... either a: drink less or b: stop headbanging while I take the picture. And that dude who's head I got a picture of, he's the dude who was standing to my right.



Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
It's a really old picture, but I just found it while I was cleaning out my harddrive, figured I'd share.


that is freaking awesome !!!! ... totally miss mountain biking. of course never went to extremes like you :erk:

what bike do you have?
Brodie Bruzza hardtail, thats my insane friend Kyle's bike. which is a Brodie Demon (he's on like his 6th frame or some shit, he keeps breaking them, luckily for him, he's sponsored by them.)
I miss mountain biking as well btw... it's been over a year and a half. A deal was struck with my current place of accomodation that I wouldn't have my bike with me as my aunt doesn't want to have to deal with possibility of me hurting myself. Oh well, it's probably for the best, I'd have spent all my student loan money on my bike.