The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

snow2fall said:
A characteristic of Americans.

was going to mention this earlier ... most love to make asses of themselves and announce that "they are here"

even on TV last week, there was this segment in the morning news ... "Where in the world is Matt Lauer?" ... a reporter going around the world in a week or something like that.

even for me, as I was watching it daily, i noticed how loud and totally out of place his tone was compared to the people of the different nations he was interviewing.
Found this in my sketchbook, i'm not even sure if I did it. other than the "IT the IT guy" in the fucked up picture. I'm also not sure when it ended up there, it was surrounded by blank pages.

My highlights (cause I can read shit you can't):
The mittens
The box of Alphabits (beside box of doom)
The box of condoms has a disclaimer saying the child waves all right to ownership of hell (satan juice flavour, hehe)
The Bort Gravestone
Pictures from last night, pardon the blurriness, i was a bit drunk. Also included are the promised advertisements from transit. I didn't pass the station that has the sign that says that nobody on the platform knows your a wife beater. I'll get that one some other time.




haha, wow.

ps: like dead babies jokes, spouse abuse jokes are funny. i mean funny. but the real thing is pretty much the most disgusting thing in existence.

hmm. that was a bit too NBC The More You Know style from me. sorry.
look how fuckin huge Mike, the dude on the right is. Look at the beer in me and the other dudes hand, then look at how fuckin small it looks in his.

EDIT: If your gonna have hair, why not have long hair? if your gonna wear a t-shirt, why not a band shirt?
look how fuckin huge Mike, the dude on the right is. Look at the beer in me and the other dudes hand, then look at how fuckin small it looks in his.

EDIT: If your gonna have hair, why not have long hair? if your gonna wear a t-shirt, why not a band shirt?

How often do you get drunk, man? :loco:
I drink at shows and once in a while on weekends when I party, most of my friends dislike the after effects of drinking(can't blame em), so it's not even every weekend.
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
most of my friends dislike the after effects of drinking(can't blame em)

haha, most of my friends are raging alcho-thrashers, Beer by the gallon to keep ourselves strong! rarrrrgh!
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
yeah, my friends that are like that are still in Port Alberni going nowhere with their lives. :p

Haha, well these chaps are either college people or all grown up and have *shudder* careers.
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
i'm envious of your selection of friends then.

I knew absolutly no hellbangers untill like 3-4 months ago. All my old hombres went all around the country for college, and I decided to actually make an effort to meat some metal heads, and fuck did it work out great.
I just noticed that in your hand is a 12 oz can of Pabst blue ribbon. Nothing says metal like a can from a pack of beer that goes for $4.99 a case. I salute your down to earth nature! :kickass: