The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page


The kid on the right looks like he's had too much of that:



lurch70 said:
ok Maren, those Sandra pics are becoming waaaaaay too frequent now :loco:
Stop complaining. :Spin:
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
lurch might need to dip into his own trust fund :p

hehe ... I am done with any type of long distance relationship ... my 2 past ones were that and its nothing but heartache.

actually, I have a test now when I meet ladies ... it's called the "lurch 5 minute compatibility test"

some sample questions ...

Do you like this country?
Do you have a green card? (for those overseas, this allows you to stay here legally and work)
How often have you moved in the last 5 year?

:lol: ... tired of gypsies and restless people :loco:
lurch70 said:
hehe ... I am done with any type of long distance relationship ... my 2 past ones were that and its nothing but heartache.
Been there... done that.

@D5YO: What about replacing the häagen dasz with ben+jerry's? Way better IMHO.

And there are way more pics out there... geez. Ask Monika ;)

Edit: by seeing all this food.. ...*hungry* damn it
lurch70 said:
hehe ... I am done with any type of long distance relationship ... my 2 past ones were that and its nothing but heartache.

actually, I have a test now when I meet ladies ... it's called the "lurch 5 minute compatibility test"

some sample questions ...

Do you like this country?
Do you have a green card? (for those overseas, this allows you to stay here legally and work)
How often have you moved in the last 5 year?

:lol: ... tired of gypsies and restless people :loco:
hahahahaha fucking awesome.
radiobabe said:
@D5YO: What about replacing the häagen dasz with ben+jerry's? Way better IMHO.

girls love Klax.