The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

It's freaking depressing man. Manual transmissions, 35mm, the buggy whip, all these things are dying. People have no souls anymore. Chodes.
This kind of stuff belongs in the same quadrant of my being where I keep SLC Punk, Suburbia, Nietzsche, Boondock Saints, Sacred Reich, and other rabble rousing things, a place merely on the brink of my consciousness rather than at the forefront, for fear of rising up and doing something foolishly amazing.

In other words, thanks. :D
hahahahaha holy shit this ending is brilliant.

So who is this guy? I've only seen him mentioned by you, don't know jack about him. Or them, whatever it is.
He was a pioneer in the noise/ambient/industrial stuff in the 70s and 80s with his project NON, and did that spoken word album in the early 90s.

Was a spokesman for the Church of Satan for awhile and in that time period he was a social darwinist, but now he seems to have "grown out of that" I think.

his website is interesting.

be sure to stop at the entrance page and listen to the 60s girl pop song.



yes, but Moose's swastika cracker is minimalist art which fires a message missle straight to our souls. notice the finally crafted cheese bars, symbolizing the sleek engine that national socialism is intended to be. Notice the nobby edges of the crackers, which symbolize the reality of the problems inherent with NS. It's brilliant on a myriad of levels!
lizard said:
yes, but Moose's swastika cracker is minimalist art which fires a message missle straight to our souls. notice the finally crafted cheese bars, symbolizing the sleek engine that national socialism is intended to be. Notice the nobby edges of the crackers, which symbolize the reality of the problems inherent with NS. It's brilliant on a myriad of levels!

I have to admit that it was also quite yummy and fullfilling to eat.

An allegory to the defeat of National Socialism once and for all by eating it!


It makes myself a National Socialist by ingesting it's symbols and thus forever making them a part of me?