The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

Pretty much, someone posted an edited picture of a female board member performing fellatio

fotmbm posted a NON EDITED picture of a PORN CHICK (not actually anyone on the forum) with male reproducive fluid on her face, implying that she looked similar to a board member, thereby getting some cheap LULZ out of 50% of the board and getting the other half to call the waaahmbulance real swiftly like
Demilich said:
I don't really like telling stories, but I'm sure someone will point you towarods the thread it started in. Pretty much, someone posted an edited picture of a female board member performing fellatio and it really polarized the board into the "Care Crew" who said that doing such a thing was wrong and blah blah blah vs. those who pretty much disagree with the notion that one should have to be so careful not to offend people (women in particular) all the time due to percieved differences and sensitivity over particular issues.

That's my take on it, anyway.

This story is so false. Sorry.

here's the thread that shall FOREVER LIVE IN INFAMY IN THE MINDS OF MEN
Especially the number of particular facial features Andrew pointed out to defend the position that it didn't look like her! I mean, how much time does this guy spend staring at pics of Maren's face?
ok seriously now, how come Maren never said what she thought about it?

I honestly think its all about who posts and how well you know them.
If I'm among friends, and some guy who I know is cool posts that picture of some porn star who looks like me, I'd be all like: "ehhhhh " but then again, knowing the guy is cool and prolly meant it as a joke: i'd find it funny.
but if for example, Lord Red Dragon would have done that to me, I'd be
damn pissed.
see my point?
I don't know what kind of friendship Mike and Maren have so its hard to judge... in general, I don't think any female in a "men's forum"
would like to see her picture like that, but then again...
learn to take a damn joke, if the people respect you in general...
does that make sense?
just my two cents.

i can't blame the guys who protected her though.
like I said, Im a noob here, so i don't know
the friendship levels between you all.
I just don't believe its fair to expect anyone to have to worry about offending people when making a joke. I know that's a very extreme sentiment, and I know a few militant Muslim extremists who might burn down my embassy if they knew I thought so.

Here's what D_L said that I think really rings true: It depends how well you know the people. If you're in a community of friends (which I thought we were), I believe that some degree of honesty is implied. Thus, if the poster says it was a joke, the "victim" of the joke might be offended, but also may have the clairvoyance to see what was really going on and take it for what it is.

I'm going to shut up now before I wind up writing a short book on the subject.