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MFJ said:
man, hot dogs are seriously pretty nasty. who else is with me?

haha, I buy hot dogs from this butcher sometimes. They rule, the mystery meat (or mystery all-beef ) suck ass. They taste rather gross and their contents are worse. But the ones from the butcher are just ground meat, I've seen him make them. Fresh every day. And he gets his meat from local farms. it's kickass.
Mormagil said:
don't forget hot dogs

I remember in Germany on my trip that some dude named Gunther did the speaking for a 19 person meal because we were Canadian:P
Also I found an "american" Hot Dog stand, people seemed a bit puzzled when I was lke "OH WOW! I LOVE FORIEGN FOOD"

I really don't think there is any gross stuff in processed hot dogs.


made out of the same shit as slim-jims

first ingredient, actually listed on the package = "mechanically separated chicken" (same goes for beef)
I should point out that Maren lives in a city which for decades was one of the most American saturated places in Europe. While she may indeed be partially affected by a stereotype, I'll wager she has seen thousands more americans than any of you have seen germans or belgians.

ref hot dogs, yes, Nathan's or Hebrew National rule cause they're quality. Also locally are Schmidt's which are totally awesome.
MFJ said:

made out of the same shit as slim-jims

first ingredient, actually listed on the package = "mechanically separated chicken" (same goes for beef)

Thats just not gross to me.