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Never been a fan of hot dogs myself, but if you like consuming "mechanically seperated meat" then I guess you dont mind being a canidate for heart disease.
snow2fall said:
Then tell me: Why is it that oh so many loud and rude tourists are clearly identifiable as Americans and we hardly hear any Korean, Spanish or Norwegian yelled through the streets...?! Wondrous. :hypno:

I invite you to be one of the quiet Americans in this city and make your own observations.
I think it was you who started this tpoic, so I'll oblige with a response. First, I question how you know all those loud and rude tourists are American. Because they are speaking English? Do you ask them where they are all from? That's hardly a logical or open-minded position for your argument. Secondly, isn't it possible that no one from Korea, Spain, or Norway are visiting Berlin? Here, I am acutely aware of foreign tourists. They seem loud because, well, maybe they really are, but mainly it's my perception of a foreign sound. Some of the most annoying languages are from Indochina but, unlike self-righteous Europeans, I don't know of any widespread bigotry towards them from my fellow Americans.
Thirdly, I've never been to Berlin, so maybe I'll take you up on your offer. But, I've been to Paris and felt constantly surrounded by loud, rude, and obnoxious EUROPEANS. The Americans I met were polite but very excited to be in Paris, not to mention they were busy FUNNELING MILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF TOURIST MONEY into your economy.
dorian gray said:
But, I've been to Paris and felt constantly surrounded by loud, rude, and obnoxious EUROPEANS.

Pretty much everyone sucks really, it's not just Americans. I'd agree that on my visits to other European countries, I often find the locals to be much ruder than at home. This is most apparent when it comes to queuing. WHY CAN'T FRENCH PEOPLE QUEUE PROPERLY?!!

Germany should be interesting this summer, with the World Cup and all, lots and lots of tourists around. I wonder if the English football hooligans will embarrass us again, as they often do.
What the hell is so weird about mechanically separated meat? Its all edible, is it just because its a mix of meats + some bones/not of a naturally meaty consistancy that grosses people out?
What the hell is so weird about mechanically separated meat? Its all edible, is it just because its a mix of meats + some bones/not of a naturally meaty consistancy that grosses people out?
The only thing that bothers me are people that go "EWWWWWWW SUSHI THAT'S RAW FISH THAT'S GROSS" and then eat a hot dog.

BTW yes, Jewdogs > the rest. Nathan's are simply not that good.
NADatar said:
The only thing that bothers me are people that go "EWWWWWWW SUSHI THAT'S RAW FISH THAT'S GROSS" and then eat a hot dog.

I love sushi, but still thats not THAT weird. Some people just don't like uncooked food.
yeah the raw thing is the problem with sushi for most people

i had probably the best sushi roll i've ever had the other weekend, i can't remember what it was exactly but it was called a firecracker roll and it had a)eel and b)sriracha, the other stuff was incidental

i think it was tempura-fried also
Just a couple of comments:

dorian gray said:
I think it was you who started this tpoic, so I'll oblige with a response. First, I question how you know all those loud and rude tourists are American. Because they are speaking English? Do you ask them where they are all from? That's hardly a logical or open-minded position for your argument.

I can't speak for Maren, as English is her (extremely accomplished, it must be said) second language, but we're so inundated with American culture here (not a criticism) that I can tell what region of the US people are from, let alone their country from their accent alone. Perhaps she can also tell from the accent as well.

dorian gray said:
Secondly, isn't it possible that no one from Korea, Spain, or Norway are visiting Berlin? Here, I am acutely aware of foreign tourists.

This is kind of the self-centred world view that is likely to piss a lot of non-Americans off ;) Do you really think the number of American tourists (there are 0.4 billion of you in total, no?) is even equal to the number of tourists taken from the world's other 5.5 billion inhabitants? It is very easy to travel around Europe, I can assure you any major city in Europe gets just as many (if not a lot more) European tourists as it does American, after all it's easy to go on a weekend trip to virtually any city in Europe when you live there. Here in London we also get an awful lot of Chinese, Japanese and South Korean tourists as well.

My two cents is that I too am acutely aware of foreign tourists. I find most tourists are extremely polite and quiet, including the vast majority of Americans. Not only that, the Canadians and Americans I come across, which hppens every now and then as my university is next to London's 3 biggest museums, are not only polite, but inclusive. British people tend to be negatively polite (i.e. they don't want to 'intrude' on others), yet other Europeans, and especially those from the North American continent strike up conversations, and really want to get you involved. To me, that's a breath of fresh air, and I'm very grateful.

I think the stereotype of American tourists is not entirely unfounded, however, it's just these are the ones you can't help avoid. On a semi-regular basis loud, patronising, brash Americans virtually shout something like "This is like the QE2, lovely place, it's a shame about all the British people" (real quote from someone with a New Jersey in the Natural History Museum in London, across a crowded museum exhibit). It is this vocal minority that most people come into contact with, and hence the stereotype is born.

I do find, however, that quite often, whereas in America tourists are welcomed in open arms, in some European countries (especially France, from my experience), they can be met with loud, rude and obnoxious locals. It's not always the case, but it is certainly more common here than in places I've visited in the US, so I think there is truth in all sides of the argument here. :)


The zit makes it even better!
Good comments Russell; thanks for the thoughts. I'm in agreement with you for the most part. The New Jersey accent was probably from gugs.