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dorian gray said:
Explain please

haha ... ok, in some ways a chick struggling with raising her baby and crying on tv about real life is more tr00 than a middle aged guy kneeling with a small axe against shrubbery.

but this comparison only applies to Agalloch not NB :loco: ...

"depth" in music is so overrated ... "uhhh, they are so deep" ... chicks say that, don't they? :loco:

oh yeah ... and how do you guys claim some bands to be your faves and don't even pay attention to the lyrics ... shit, I think back in the 80's I had every single song lyric memorized from my fave bands ... to this day I can sing along with them at shows.
By definition having "Metal" tattoo'd to your forearm could be considered pretentious.

"Hey everyone, look at me!!! I listen to M.E.T.A.L.... METAL!!!"

"Oh need a closer look? Let me tilt my arm. That's M.E.T.A.L...METAL!!!"
Reign in Acai said:
By definition having "Metal" tattoo'd to your forearm could be considered pretentious.

"Hey everyone, look at me!!! I listen to M.E.T.A.L.... METAL!!!"

"Oh need a closer look? Let me tilt my arm. That's M.E.T.A.L...METAL!!!"

No, it couldn't, by definition, as I am completely and justifiably kickass + metal. No pretense about it.

But seriously, yes it could be, and you can call it that, just like I can call Aggaloch pretentious if I feel they are. It's just opinion.
lurch70 said:
haha ... ok, in some ways a chick struggling with raising her baby and crying on tv about real life is more tr00 than a middle aged guy kneeling with a small axe against shrubbery.

but this comparison only applies to Agalloch not NB :loco: ...

"depth" in music is so overrated ... "uhhh, they are so deep" ... chicks say that, don't they? :loco:

These comparisons coming from a guy who doesn't listen to Nile because they aren't from the camel fucking country of Pakistan. :goggly:
No, it couldn't, by definition, as I am completely and justifiably kickass + metal. No pretense about it.

But seriously, yes it could be, and you can call it that, just like I can call Aggaloch pretentious if I feel they are. It's just opinion.


# Claiming or demanding a position of distinction or merit, especially when unjustified.
# Making or marked by an extravagant outward show; ostentatious.
Reign in Acai said:
These comparisons coming from a guy who doesn't listen to Nile because they aren't from the camel fucking country of Pakistan. :goggly:

that's right momo ... walk it like you talk it is my motto.
In the end I just call things pretentious to get a rise out of people and to get htem to say, in a variety of ways, 'I AM BETTER THEN YOU BECAUSE YOU JUST DON'T GET IT.'
lurch70 said:
haha ... ok, in some ways a chick struggling with raising her baby and crying on tv about real life is more tr00 than a middle aged guy kneeling with a small axe against shrubbery.
second time today im quoting you fft
Demilich said:
better than those longwinded dissections of your homophobia and jingoism?

edit: could it have something to do with me quitting the weed?

Demilich - God damnit I hate queers with every fiber of my being!!! I was driving down sunset blvd about 3 weeks ago and verbally belittled a queer. He was flailing his arms ever so feminine like at the bus stop amongst several degenerates which I believed to be of the heterosexual variety. That in itself is a miracle considering the area of town. Well I yell out...

"hey white guy sitting at the bus stop, you look like a fucking faggot!!"

All 90 lbs of his homosexual cancer inflicted self rises from his porch of phallic worship.

"Who me?" he replies with enough bass to shake a thimble off a transvestites teat.

"Yea you, you look like an AIDS victim you fucking queer" I reply with enough thunder to awaken my fallen forefather's who beared the same sentiment.

I then rode off in to the sunset, feeling proud to make a queer feel as low as the ground in which his high heels tread upon.