The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

Krig said:
those are great. but does anyone actually wear them?

my friend kevin wears a variety of t-shirt hell shirts, but his favourites are the Cereal Killer, some Columbine shirt and 'if jesus comes back we'll kill him again'
My friend Sarah and I. This may be the one pic where I don't look Totally 80s.

Don't mix up poorass Newfoundland with the rest of Canada. Newfies are broke cause they harvested the richest fishing grounds known to man to near extinction... :p

they deserve for their little rock to suck...

j/k, the portugese and spanish and french are just as much to blame for the mass anal rape of the Grand Banks
Snow is purty and whatnot but what a pain in the ass if you're an adult and have an actual job to get to. But wtf I got AWD now so bring it on
its an ancient digital camera that has dust all over the lens that i found because I felt like posting the picture here. It snowed a few times in september, but I think this snow will stay:(
haha, hey, you guys can kiss my ass. Try driving a RWD 2000 pound convertible through several inches of snow with a bunch of Southern retards 20 miles to your job. The alternative, staying home, would probably land me in court. I don't think the factory jobs or whatever that you guys have maintain the same standards.

FWIW, I'm from Ohio and I'm gonna have to go ahead and claim that we get more snow than either IL or Sweden*

*assumes no one will actually look up the facts