The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page




Haha, it's just some pictures, I don't get what makes you think I think I'm a big baddass. I was having fun. It's not like I freakin' stand with my arms crossed looking grim on a regular basses, my friends go, 'Tully do a serious face picture' so we did.
I rather liked Tully's pictures. They were pretty cool.
That said, I dig what Tranquillian's saying. Many, many countries have conscription (is that the right word?) and those folks don't seem to make a big deal out of it, whereas here, guys make the miltary out to seem like it's the BIGGEST THING EVAR. Not saying there's anything wrong with that at all, just an interesting observation among different cultures.
For you dudes that where in the military, what was your job? Didn't someone on here once say they where artillery or something?
My buddy was telling me the other day that the Army has implemented the use of stress cards. Basically if you can't handle the yelling, the exercise, the shitty food, etc. That all you have to do is say "May I have a timeout?", and you will be awarded a free pass to rest your stress away in a jacuzzi.